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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

A Doomed Friday Night

Hey, Ruby still game for date?

Hi Kyle! Absolutely! Dinner on Tenth, Right?

Yep! Reservations at 6:30!

Perfect! See you then!

Kyle sent a smiley face - a sign that their conversion was over. Ruby set her phone down; her lunch break was almost over.

She made it back to her desk with a few minutes to spare. She hoped the afternoon would go quickly. She had just put the finishing touches on a project that they had due on Monday when her boss appeared beside her. “Ruby.”

“This can’t be good. You never make midday visits.” She tried to be cheerful.

“The client made a ‘vibe’ change.”

Ruby suppressed a laugh; her boss could not deal with the constant change of slang. He handed her a stack of papers.

Ruby’s eyes widened. “This will require a whole new presentation.” She paused. “By Monday?”

He nodded. “Can you stay late? You’ll get overtime, and maybe I can talk to the higher-ups about an extra day off.”

Ruby looked over at her phone and sighed. “Yeah, I’ll make it work.”

“You’re amazing, Ruby!” He dashed off to see who else on the team could stay late. She picked up her phone.

Kyle, I have bad news.

Oh no! What’s up?

Boss needs me to stay late. The client made a complete design overhaul. I’m so sorry!

Hey no stress. Life happens. I’ll rebook, next week?

That would be great! Maybe we can grab brunch tomorrow?

Ah no can do, hiking with the boys.

Oh right, I forgot! Well, have fun! Take pictures!

You sound like my mom 😉

Well, she’s right! Okay got to get back to work. Bye!

Ruby worked until dinner and just realized then that she didn’t have food. It would take another hour for food to get here, with evening traffic. She sighed and pulled out her phone. She was trying to decide what sounded good when her boss appeared. “Hey Ruby, you have a delivery?” He handed her a takeout bag and a small bouquet of flowers.

“Oh!” She was surprised; had Kyle….?

“Did I make you miss a date?” her boss teased, and Ruby made eye contact with him. “Oh shoot! I did. Ruby, I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t stress, he clearly understood.” Her boss saluted and went back to work.

Ruby ate while she worked and soon was done for the day.

I survived! Thanks for the food and flowers!

No problem! I figured you’d get busy and need food.

And the flowers?”

Pretty girls deserve pretty flowers.

Smooth. I’m kinda craving ice cream… Join me for a late-night treat?

You tempt me.

That’s the point…. Do you really want to go two weeks without seeing me?


Name the place.

The shop on 3rd is open late.

See you in 15!

They got their frozen treats and went for a moonlit stroll. “Dinner meant a lot to me, Kyle. She grinned.

“I wanted to help you.” He shrugged and disposed of their trash in a nearby bin. “Did you get it done?”

“Just. It better go well.” She took his hand. “It’s late, and you have a big weekend ahead of you. We should head home.”

He nodded, walked her to her car and kissed her cheek. “I look forward to our date next week.” He stayed close.

Ruby didn’t move away either; she took his other hand. She didn’t want the night to end. They stood there, holding each other's hands. Then his phone rang and they both jumped back and laughed.

He pulled himself together and answered. “Hello? Hey dude! Yeah no, I’m just leaving my date now. Yeah, it was amazing!” He winked at Ruby and mouthed goodbye. Rudy waved good night and giggled.

Throughout that weekend, he sent her pictures of the trip, making her smile to herself..

On Monday, he texted to confirm. Okay this Friday 7:00, I’ll pick you up!

Okay! 🙂

Rudy worked through her work week, looking forward to her evening with Kyle. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. She’d find herself smiling for a reason. Soon it was Friday; she was absolutely giddy. She told her boss there was no way she was staying late, and he vowed it wouldn’t happen.

She was just about to head home when Kyle sent her a text.

So bad news.

Oh no!

I have to work late, no one can get here to cover the night shift for at least a few hours.

Oh. Well, now we’re even!

😊 I am sorry you have to work late though!

Me too. My night shift counterpart is out sick and the only person who can cover is an hour away.


I know… Oh somebody needs help, I’ll text you later!

Rubys felt her face fall; this date felt doomed. But she could return the favour. She ordered him dinner and sent it to his workplace. She looked at the flowers he had sent her last week. She could send him some too, but he shared a workstation at work. So she asked if the staff could add a note to the order form.

Then she headed home. She reheated leftovers, put on some cozy clothes and started her favourite show.

YOU BOUGHT ME DINNER! Seriously that was so sweet! Thank you.

You’re welcome 🙂

It’s been a lifesaver. Oh, the night shift just got here, ice cream?

But I’m comfy…

I went out last week…


I could bring it to you? If that’s okay with you.

Ruby paused. He’d never been here before. They’d been going out for a month. Did she want him here? It beat walking in the cold…

Sure. But I’m already settled in. Watching my show.

Ice cream and a movie?


Be there within the hour!

She giggled, then stood to tidy up just a bit - didn’t need him to think she was a slob. She’d just put the last thing away when he knocked. “Hey! I got you mint chocolate. You said you really liked it a few weeks ago.”

“One of my favourites!” She took it happily, then gestured to the couch. He sat first, and she sat next to him. “Is this okay?”

“Yes.” He went to put his arm around her. “Is this?”

“Yes.” She relaxed into his arms. “I think we need to pick a new restaurant.” She giggled.

“You’re not wrong. I just kept hoping I could take you there to ask.” Kyle's voice trailed off, like he’d said too much.

“Ask me what?” Ruby tilted her head up to look at him.

“To ask you…” he took a breath, “ officially be my girlfriend?”

Ruby blushed. “I’d like that.”

“You would?”

Ruby let out a laugh. “Yes!” Then she got shy. “I was hoping you’d ask. If you didn’t soon, I was gonna beat you to the punch.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Where should we attempt to eat next Friday?”

Ruby held up her dish of ice cream. “The ice cream shop?” They both laughed.

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