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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

A Hero’s Hero

Walking through the market, Theo stopped to listen to a performer sing the song of Lady Adria, the King’s greatest warrior.

Born to a family poor and distended to die as no one.

She enters the King’s army to give her brothers and sisters food on their plates.

Graceful on horseback, her sword like an extension of her hand.

Saved the King's life not once but three times in battle.

Made to be part of the royal bodyguards.

Where she has saved the children of the King over 30 times

The children who were listening to the performer cheered. The performer did a little jig. Theo clapped along to the rhythm. The next part of this song was his favourite.

She was offered to be a wife to one of the princes.

From born to nothing to a princess - who could ask for anything more?

But our lady said no…

And to this day, she serves the King and everyone wonders why.

Theo left the performer a tip and collected what he needed from the market. He heard the murmurs of the market, as they shared theories about Lady Adria's choice: “I heard she was cursed in a battle and can’t marry.”

“I bet she is waiting to be offered the hand of the crowned prince.”

“She must be taken with another soldier.”

Theo couldn’t help but smirk as he listened to the whispers; he knew the truth. He was one of the few who knew. Lady Adria was already married and had been before she entered the King’s service…

“I’m leaving for training camp tomorrow.” Adria skipped a rock on the river.

“And you’re spending your last free afternoon with me. I feel so honoured,” Theo teased and tossed his own rock.

“You should be.” She winked and then ran her hand through her hair.

“Okay, come on - tell me.” Theo stopped throwing rocks and sat on a fallen branch.

“Tell you what?” She fixed her hair.

“You keep running your hands through your hair. You only do that when you are worried. So tell me what is worrying you.”

“You mean, besides the fact that I’m leaving for the army tomorrow,” she countered.

“Yes, there is something else going on, isn't there?” He tapped the spot next to him.

She reluctantly sat down. “What if I serve in battle and - don't make it, and the army doesn’t take care of my family? My siblings might not count as my children. What if I do all this and they still st-” Adria lifted her hand to run it through her hair again, but Theo caught her hand.

“Not if you're married; then your husband could claim them as dependants.” He interlocked their hands. “Let me marry you. I’ll keep your family fed.”

“But that's not fair to you.” Adira looked down at their hands. “You really would do that for me?”

“Always. If I’d known you were signing up, I would have married you and signed up for you!” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I care for you Adi, maybe even love you. Let me help you. We can keep it quiet, then we can easily get divorced if that’s what you want.”

She rested her head on his shoulder. “You make it sound so easy.” She lifted her head to look at him. “You’ve always been safe, and I think between battles I’d like to come home to you.”

“That settles it. Let’s get married.” He took her hand and off they raced.

Theo sighed happily at the memory. They’d thrown together a quick wedding with just their families. The next morning he joined her family to wave her off with the rest of the recruits.

After Adria was stationed in the Palace, he offered to end their marriage. After all, her risk of death was lower in the Palace, and surely as a hero, they would take care of her family if something did happen. Especially after she was offered to be the prince's wife.

“Why would I want to marry a prince? Theo, I married you.” He opened his mouth to argue. “I know it wasn’t because we were hopelessly in love, and it wasn’t to help our parents but…” She walked towards him. “Now that I’m not running off into battle all the time, I want to see what this…” she wrapped her arms around him “...can be like if we give it a try.”

Theo never forgot that kiss. It wasn’t their first - that had been on their quick wedding day - but this one was different.

So Theo left his life in their childhood village for the home Adira had been given in the Kingdom’s capital. It took time for them to figure out what their marriage would look like, but they were happy.

And thanks to the pay she’d been given, he was able to work on his art. His greatest piece was going to be a painting that he had been commissioned to paint of her; the King wanted a painting of her in the halls of heroes.

Adria wasn’t due home until tomorrow, so he could go work on the painting without her seeing it. Just as he was about to enter the studio, Adi rushed in, panting. Panic edged on her face. “Problem at the Palace. Will be another week before I can take my leave.”

He watched as she gathered clean clothes and a couple of other things; she was about to dash out again when Theo caught her in his arms. “Hey, take a moment to breathe.” She relaxed in his arms. “You’ve got this.” Her pounding heart slowed. “And I’ll be here when you can land.” He leaned down and kissed her goodbye.

After he pulled away, she touched his face. “You’re amazing.”

He poked her nose. “Not as amazing as you.”

She caught his hand. “No. I mean it, this -” she gestured around her. “You made this home; you're my hero”

“The hero’s hero.” He smiled. “I like the sound of that. Now go, be everyone’s hero.”

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