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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

An Interview from Noviala

I shuffle my notes for the third time while I wait for Crowned Princess Catarina to join me in her study. I have chosen to interview her before her marriage tournament. I hear the door open, I quickly stand and bow to her, “Please raise kind, sir.” Her voice is soft and gentle, not like that of her mothers.

“Thank you, my lady. The Gazette is honoured to be chosen to interview you before your tournament.” I wait for her to take a seat before I sit. I notice she seems uncomfortable in her dress, but I say nothing, after all, she looks lovely.

“The Queen thought it might be nice for the public to have a glimpse into their future queen’s life. And the Gazette is my favourite in all the kingdom. ” She suppresses giggles, and her smile seems so real.

“Well, that’s definitely something to go into the article.” I tease, “Now onto the basics my lady, may I have your full name?”

She shakes her head as a well-practiced smile appears as we begin, “Oh that’s a loaded question, I am Catarina Genevieve of Noviala, Catarina is my paternal grandmother's name, and Genevieve is after the Queen herself.” She is so calm and collected, yet she fidgets with the long sleeves of her dress, an odd choice given the summer heat.

“I know everyone calls you Princess Catarina, but surely even the princess has a nickname?”

Her well-practiced smile cracks slightly, “Cat, that’s what my family and closest friends call me.”

“Cat, I like that, it's sweet.” I make a few notes. “Now, your younger brother, Edward,” She nods, “He will be your chief adviser after you are made queen, yes?”

“That’s the plan, there is no one I trust more, and he is the smartest, bravest, kindest prince I’ve ever known.” Her smile softens, clearly the two of them are close.

“Keeping with the family questions, your mother is a powerful queen, she has an impeccable reputation among most of the kingdoms, and your father has one of the sharpest minds in all the kingdoms, what strengths do you think you will bring to the throne someday?”

She pauses, giving it some thought, “I have inherited my father's wit and mother's political grace, so I would like to think that I will be great at diplomacy and problem-solving.”

“We all know the Princess of Noviala is perfect in every way,” I tease, but is there anything you would change about yourself, hair colour, eye colour or maybe something deeper than that?”

She quickly wraps her arms around herself, at first I think my question has hit a nerve then I notice she’s not putting a guard up she seems to be rubbing her arms, she can’t be cold, can she? After a moment she pulls herself together, “This is going to sound silly but I would change my voice, I’m not sure it will ever capture a room like my mother’s does.”

“I don’t think that’s silly,” I say gently, scratching that question off my list. That one can stay between us. “Would you say the Queen is your role model?”

She gives a moment of pause, which surprises me because the Queen and her always seem quite close in all public appearances, “My mother has done amazing things for the kingdom and the idea of following in her footsteps is a bit daunting but I hope to do it.” Her smile seems tighter now, maybe I can paraphrase her answer in my report.

“Tell me, princess, the public would love to know would you rather be hiding indoors or on adventures outside?” I try a lighter question.

“Maybe not adventures but I love spending time in the royal gardens, I would much rather be outside than inside.” She seems more relaxed now.

“So then would you say you enjoy the busy parties of the court or are you more of a sneak-off to the garden and hide kind of person.” I lean in like it’s some kind of secret we are sharing.

She once again lets a giggle slip out, “While I very much enjoy the music and dancing of all the parties we host, I must admit an evening in the cool of the garden cannot be beat.” She points to a photo in her study, “It’s the view of the garden in full bloom from the ballroom balcony. My favourite spot during royal balls.”

“I can understand that. I’m sure much of the public will agree with your assessment.” I chuckle. “Last few questions, you have been meeting with many of the princes who are vying for your hand, and while I know you can’t tell me if any of them have caught your eye… But can you tell me do you believe in love at first sight?”

Her face quickly turns pink and her hand darts to a necklace I hadn’t noticed she is wearing, it looks like some kind of gemstone. She quickly pulls herself together, “Um I’m not sure it does for me, I am crowned princess, I need a husband so I can produce an heir for the crown, it would be unfair of me to put that weight on my brother. So if true love exists it is not…” She slows her thumb sliding over the smooth stone, “It is something I would have the luxury of experiencing.” She quickly adds, “Though who knows maybe when I meet my prince in a few days my opinion will change!” She trying to sound cheerful.

“Thank you for your time my lady. I think I have enough here to write something for the Gazette, I’m sure all the village girls will love to read all about it.” I smile and wait for her to stand.

“I look forward to reading it.” She smiles, and quickly leaves the room, no doubt off to another meeting with a prince.

As I am accompanied out of the place I can’t help but think about how tense and uncomfortable she looked at times during our meeting and why the long sleeves. And when I asked her about love well the emptiness in her voice was impossible to miss. What was our princess hiding?

Would you like to know what Princess Catarina is hiding? Guess what you can find out in my short story Curse of Draconic which can be found in the anthology collection Creatures, Crowns, & Curses! On July 30th I will update you with all the preorder/release info and let you see the cover!

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