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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

But I Bought a Plant

"If one more person asks me about getting married or having children I am going to punch them." I look at my friend Lucy over a cup of black coffee.

"Sure you will, dear." Lucy shakes her head. She knows I am too gentle for that. "Have you thought about going to the mixer at church? Just to get people off your back?"

"You know that sounds like the worst night ever." I look at the ceiling. I don't want to even think about going. "Girl, I like my solo life. I don't need a man.”

"So, go and then say you had the worst time and will stay out of the dating scene a bit longer." Lucy used to be my other single friend. But, in one year she had gotten a ring, which makes me the last one in my age group at church without a man. So all eyes are on me. "Or you know,” she continued, “make your mother's nightmare come true and get a cat, or a dog…whatever suits you fancy. Become one of those pet-moms and only show photos of your fur-baby."

"Come on Lu, you know I never understand those people. And, “mom's nightmare” - isn't that extreme?" I can't help but laugh.

"I don't know, it might be. But the mixer is tonight and you might as well go and get it over with." Lucy winks and hands me an invite for the night.

"Fine, I'll go... but not happily."

Tonight is a theme night so I dress up, smile, chat with some of the other singles, and just feel uncomfortable. Once I finally get home I make up my mind - tomorrow I am getting a dog.

With an early-morning spring in my step and a dark roast in my hand, I head off to the pet store, I saw online that the local humane society has a few puppies at the store for an adoption promotion. Maybe I can find my perfect match here. "Oh my gosh! They are so cute!" There is a group of puppies in the corner of the shop. I plop down on the floor and play with the small, cuddly puppy.

"I see that you've taken a liking to Sunshine there.” A young girl in-store uniform starts a conversation with me. “He's not quite as crazy as his sisters or brothers. But he can be, in the right space."

"Yeah, I think he’s a sweetheart. If I did try to adopt him from the shelter, what would I need to know?"

"Oh! Well, first you need to understand that puppies need exercise and consistent discipline. The first few weeks could be draining but once they get settled it's great." She keeps talking but I stop listening.

I start thinking about my eight-hour work day and all my evening events. I'm away from home four nights a week. I look down at the little guy nearly asleep in my lap. He is so cute and so sweet…. But it isn’t going to be a fair life for him. I look back at the employee - oh, she's still talking. "I'm sorry ma'am, but I don't think my lifestyle suits a puppy right now."

"Ah! Well, that's fair. I'm sure we'll find him a home." She turns her attention to other customers.

I carefully move the puppy off my lap and brush the dog hair off my pants.

As I walk out the door I hear a little boy call out, "Mama! This sleepy puppy is perfect!" Yep, Sunshine won't be there too long.

Walking to my car, I start thinking again. Maybe I could get a cat... Yeah, they could handle my busy schedule. Everyone else in my family has cats, so I could get help with any question I have. And, I have fond memories of Mom's old cat. I start to feel nostalgic over the memories. Yeah, I could handle a cat. I head down to the humane society that had brought the puppies to the pet store.

As I drive, I think about my apartment and how I could set it up for a cat. Yeah, this could be really good!

The humane society is a cute little building, and the place is quiet today. As I walk in, I am greeted by a young man working at the front desk. "Hello miss, how can I help you today?"

"I met some of your puppies at the pet store, but I don't think my lifestyle works with a puppy. So I was thinking about having a look at your cats and seeing if any of them speak to me."

The young man gestured for me to follow. "Now we have different rooms for kittens, cats, and elder cats; which would you like to start with?"

Oh, I haven't thought about that. "Kittens have too much energy. Let's look at the elder cats first."

Smiling, he unlocks that room and lets me in. "You visit and I'll check on you in a little bit." He leaves me alone in the room.

I stand against the door for a moment, taking in the room. There are quite a few cats in this room. How do I pick one? Then something rubs against my leg. "Oh! I guess this is how." I look down and find a black cat rubbing my leg. I pick up the cat and he rubs against my chin. "Hi, buddy." I pet him and he starts to purr. "Oh wow, this is nice. I can see why people like cats so much."

However, as I stand there holding the cat I notice something - the way the room smells. The cat litter smell is strong. Now to be, fair there are seven cats in this room. But that smell reminds me of my mom's old cat, and I hated having to change her litter. And the more I reflect on it, the more I remember I don't really enjoy cats - like not at all. So this isn't the choice for me.

Just as I set down the cat, the door opens behind me. "So, any cats you want to adopt?” The young man looks at me. "Oh I know that face; that's a ‘hey I've realized I'm not ready for a cat's face."

"Yeah, that's what happened.” We shuffle out of the room. “I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it happens more often than you'd think." He walks me to the door. “If you're looking for a pet though, the toy store sells fish."

"That's not a bad idea, thanks!" I get back in my car and drive across town to the toy store. As I drive, I look at the clock; it's nearly noon. How has this taken so much of my day? Alright, after the toy store I'm getting ice cream for lunch. My mother would be so proud. I laugh as I pull into the parking lot.

I walk into the store and a young cashier walks up to me. "Welcome to Happy Land! Can I help you find a toy for that special kid in your life?" She’s bubbly - I'll give her that.

"Actually, I'm here for a fish." I don't see any though. Maybe the kid at the shelter was wrong.

“Oh, they’re at the back. Feel free to take a look. Once you choose, I'll help you get the one you want and find the supplies you need." She points to the back wall, where I can just see some movement behind all the toys. I nod and find my way there.

The fish all move so gracefully. I'd love to have one at home to watch. I start to think about my apartment. Where would I put a fish tank? It needs to be somewhere I'll see and interact with it. Other­wise I will forget about it. Suddenly, I have images of a black fish at the bottom of a tank. That hardly seems fair. I walk back to the front.

"So any luck?" The cashier comes around to the front of the till.

"No, I don't think I'm ready for a pet, to be honest, but if I change my mind I'll be back." I wave and head out. What a waste of a day. I think ice cream for lunch is the best choice.

Downtown is busy today, so I end up parking a few blocks away from the ice cream place. I don't mind the walk though.

As I walk, I look at all the little shops lining the street. Some of the shops are cute and historical, while others are more modern. As I get close to the ice cream shop, another store catches my eye - Green Thumb Shop. A plant - I could handle that. And if I kill it, that's okay. I walk into the store.

"Hello there my dear, what are you looking for today?"

"My first houseplant. I live in a small apartment with a decent amount of natural light, but I'm forgetful." I look around at all the plants. Okay, this is a lot….

"Ah! Follow me." The older woman walks me to a shelf with all kinds of plants. "Here are some beginner-friendly plants. Which one makes you smile?"

I look over the shelf, then notice a plant with pink flowers. I pick it up. "I like this one."

"Ah, the Flaming Katy, good choice. Keep it on your windowsill and only water it when the soil is dry, and you should have a happy, healthy plant."

"Alright, I'll give this plant-thing a try," I conclude as I place my cash on the counter.

The woman gives me a smile and boxes up my new plant. I walk out the door, the spring back in my step as I head to the ice cream shop. After ordering a bowl of mint chocolate chip and finding a seat, I set my plant down across from me. Just then I get a call from Lucy. "Hey what's up?" I ask.

"I want to know how the mixer went," she states.

"You're as bad as my mother, you know." She says nothing and we both laugh. "It was nothing to write home about."

"So, on to cats?" Lucy keeps laughing.

"Nope, I tried that. I just went all over town looking at pets, and no luck. But, I did buy a plant..."

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