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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Emerald Crown on Her Head

Gracy was helping her grandfather clean out the attic. It had taken a few years of discussions, but Grandpa was finally ready to move in with her and her parents. She was looking forward to having him close by. He had the coolest stories and had always been a great help on her school assignments.

Sure, hanging out in a dusty attic wasn't every high schooler's idea of fun on Saturday. But she didn't mind. Her grandma had been a collector and now Gracy got first dibs on anything she wanted. As she sorted and labelled boxes, she would occasionally find things she wanted and sent them aside in a box to keep for herself.

She had made fast work; her grandma had been very organized. Soon she was working on the last box. Out of it, she pulled a faded crown, with green gemstones.

"This is beautiful." She slowly turned the crown in her hand. Then she gasped and it clattered to the floor. There was a name engraved on the crown - her name…. Had her grandmother bought this for her and not told anyone?

She picked it up again and walked over to the old mirror, then carefully put the crown on top of her head. As soon as it touched her head, Gracy saw in the mirror a girl that looked like her; but she was in a ball gown, standing tall, backed by an army prepared for battle. The army looked like they would die for her. And that girl seemed to be reaching out to her.

Gracey panicked, threw the crown off her head, and heard it crash on the attic floor. What was that…? She stared at the crown, breathing heavily. Slowly she picked it up again and left the attic.

She found her grandfather making steaks in the kitchen. "Oh good, you came down. I was just about to call you." He looked over at her. "My child, you look like you've seen a gho…. Oh. You found it, did you."

They each took a seat at the kitchen table, and she set the crown in front of her. "What is this? Why is my name on it?” Her breathing was still unsteady.

'It came with you." Her grandfather spoke softly.

"With me?” She spoke in a tight, hoarse voice.

"Yes, with ya. You came through the mirror that you found upstairs. The crown was in your wicker basket. We had no idea where you’d come from, you were just given to us." He looked at her with sad eyes.

"So I'm not your granddaughter!" Her voice was tight and tears burned her eyes.

"No, no, no, my dear." Grandpa stood quickly and moved to hold Gracy. "I have never not loved you. The moment I saw you, I was ready to fight for you."

"Did mom and dad know?" She let the tears fall.

He shook his head. "We never told them. We told them you showed up on the porch."

"What would you have done if something had just taken me? Back through the mirror?" She was horrified - how heartbroken would her parents would have been?

"I would have told them then. But your grandmother and I looked for answers and we couldn't find anything.” He looked at her, defeated.

She took a breath. “Grandpa, when I put it on, in the mirror I saw another world. I had on this royal gown, and an army around me, like they were ready for war...."

He looked down. "Makes me wonder why you were sent to us."

Gracy sat there, still in shock. "I need space." She stood up and got ready to leave. As she got to the door, she stopped. "Bring the mirror to my house, I might need it."

She left the house and went for a walk. Growing up she never felt like she didn't belong in her family. But she wasn't even a part of it? After an hour or two she walked back home and up to her room. Her parents didn't bother her. She assumed her grandfather had given them a call and told them some story.

The crown and mirror were in her room when she got home. She was so spent, she just lay down and went to sleep.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in that same thrown room. She was in a royal gown, with an army staring at her. To her right stood a man in armour. "My queen, we need you to return. You are our only hope." He bowed to her and the army followed suit.

She looked at him. “What's happening?" she whispered.

“You are the Queen of this world, my lady, and your parents are weakening. If you don't come, we could be lost." He looked up at her from where he knelt. She looked around….

“But I have not been raised to be queen. I didn't know this existed until today.” She knelt by him, her voice still soft, her hands shaking.

"Your crown - it holds the wealth of our Kingdom. When you come here and put it on, you will understand." He stood up and offered Grace a hand. "My Queen, come back to us."

As she stood, she woke up.

"What!” he sat up, panting. She looked around her room at photos of her parents, her friends, her whole life - it wasn't supposed to be hers. She should have been in some palaces somewhere else, with a royal family, probably servants, and whatnot else. What all had she lost compared to all she had gained?

If she left - which felt silly to think of - but if she left, would she be able to come back? Or would she never see her parents again? This King and Queen might be the ones who gave her life. But her parents - the ones who loved and raised her, the ones she loved….

But clearly, she had to do something….

She had to go. Gracy walked downstairs and found her grandfather sitting with her parents at the table. She paused for a moment and watched them. She was about to change everything. She stepped in view of her family.

Her dad saw her first. "Hey sweetheart, ya feeling better?"

With tears in her eyes, Gracy shook her head.

Her mother rushed up and pulled her into a hug. "Sweety, what's wrong?"

Gracy locked eyes with her grandpa. "Grandpa and I have something to tell ya."

Her grandpa sighed heavily, then started with the true story of her parentage -where she came from and all the details he could remember.

Gracy then told them of her visions and the land in the mirror. Tears were still rolling as Gracy looked at them.

"So if you leave, will we ever see ya again?” Her mother blinked away her own tears.

"I don't know, Mom. I don't know." Gracy took her mom's hand. “But I think I have to go." She looked at her dad. "It's what you would do.'' She smiled softly.

Her dad shook his head. Since she was a little girl, people had always told them she was her father's carbon copy of her mother's smile…which was funny to think of now.

"Yes, sweetheart, it is what I would do." He paused, taking a shaky breath. "I just wish you didn't have to…." The family hugged.

"One more night?" Her mom spoke softly. Gracy nodded.

So they spent the night playing games, watching movies and being a family. The next morning, with tears in everyone's eyes, they put the crown on her head and everyone hugged goodbye. Then, Gracy walked through the mirror. Glancing back she could see them, but they could not see her it seemed; she waved anyway. Then she kept walking, and soon she could see clearly. She was in a royal gown and the crown didn't feel as heavy. But this didn't feel like home. She fell to the floor crying at the thought of all she had lost.

She heard soft steps coming nearer, but she did not care and her tears kept flowing. A handkerchief was offered to her. "My Queen, Lady Grace, you have come back.'' That voice was familiar.

She looked up. "It's you…from my dream! Sir James, you are the commander of my army."

“I knew you would remember!” He smiled at her and helped her up. “Come, I’ll take you to your parents.” He offered her an arm.

“Right away? I’ve only just arrived. I’ve barely wrapped my head around this….” She felt the fabric of her dress; it was the nicest thing she’d ever felt.

“We can take the long way around, and I can show you around the palace. But we really can’t wait.” He started walking.

Grace took deep breaths and looked around. It was a beautiful place, and as she walked through the palace, she started to just know things about the Kingdom. “They sent me away because they were under attack, and the other king wanted to steal me away…. He wanted to raise me to be his son's wife…. And use me as leverage against my parents.”

Sir James looked at her. “Yes, my Queen, that’s right. I see the crown’s knowledge is working.”

“James, will I forget my life outside of here?” She didn’t want to forget them.

“I’m not sure, my Queen. Maybe one of the mages can make sure you don’t forget. Maybe when we get the kingdom back to a sense of peace they can come to visit you. But I can’t promise anything….” He slowed as they approached a door.

“My parents are in there?” She whispered.

“Yes, they are. They have been waiting a long time to meet you. They are not as strong as they once were. The war has taken a lot out of them. They hope your return will bring peace again.” He stopped before he knocked, and looked at her.

“I was afraid of that.” She fidgeted with her hands, then stood up tall. She was the Queen; she could be brave and do this. Her mom and dad had raised her to be a strong, kind girl. She would be the best queen she could and bring her people peace. “Open the door, James.”

“Yes, My Queen.” He opened the door and bowed.

She walked in, ready to face her future.

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