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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Faithfully Yours

To whomever finds this letter,

I hope you are from outside my world. My name is Princess Stardust, the youngest daughter of King Rainstorm, ruler of The Element Kingdom. I am training to become the kingdom's next Mistress of Magic to help my brother rule.

I am hoping to reach worlds beyond our own to seek wisdom. Even if you are unwilling to help, please write back so I ensure my plan can work!

Please - I must prove myself to my family.

High Lady,

Stardust Age 18.

P.S. I have sent magic paper for you to write back on.

I've been rereading your letter for the last three hours, trying to decide if this is one elaborate prank from my little brother or if this is somehow real. But if this is real... It challenges everything I know.

So assuming I believe you, Stardust (I'm not calling you princess or anything like that. Too embarrassing) how did your letter come to me? It literally came together like Pixie Dust in front of me. Which is the only reason I can't believe this is a prank.

Why do you need wisdom and why would you pick earth of all places? We can't even help each other, let alone another planet! Oh, my name is Sara. Ironic - my name means princess in my language. If this is real I guess I wouldn't mind if you wrote back.

Sceptical Lady,

Sara Age I8

Hello Sara!

This is most amazing! I had no idea my magic could do this! I am so happy. This will show Father and Brother I have what it takes! Thank you for replying, Sara!

But I must confess, I lied. Our Kingdom needs no wisdom. But I wanted and needed a friend. A real one. Not one that works for Father. They aren't real. They tell Father everything! I have no one I can be real with.

So I asked the magic to find me someone who was a kindred spirit to mine. Can we write to each other, Sara? Would you be my friend? Also, I'd rather you didn't call me princess. Everyone around here does...

By the way, what is Pixie Dust?

Hopefully your friend,


Oh, Stardust!

That sounds horrible! Yes, I will be your friend, or at least as best a one as I can be from far away. I can't imagine what that must be like.

Oh, Pixie Dust is from a story in my world about a boy who never grows up. It was one of my favourite stories when I was little. I used to dream that I was the girl in the story and that the boy would take me away to a land where I would never have to grow up.

It was just a dream. I don't have time for a dream now. High school sucks. The only great thing now is getting ready for college. Do you have a favourite story from when you were a kid?

Your new friend,



Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have made me so happy!

Your story reminds me of one we have here, but that little boy was evil... Yours sounds nicer. My favourite story was about a prince who was turned into a swan for being ungrateful and he is cured by a village girl who takes care of him.

Father used to read it to me until he decided I was too old for stories. I guess in different ways we both had to grow up. Ever wish you hadn't? Or that you could stop it?

Your friend,



Your story reminds me of a few we have here. How funny. Sorry that your dad told you he wouldn’t read to you anymore. I told my dad I was too old for that the last time he tried.

Maybe I should ask him to read the same book as me... He might like that. I mean there is a part of me that hates growing up, but soon I’ll go to college! Then I won't live with Mom and Dad anymore. I'll be freer than ever!

But I bet it's different for you, bringing a princess and all. Do you have much say in your life?

Your friend,


Your life sounds so amazing, Sara.

Let me know if you read with your dad. I'd love to know how that goes.

I have some say, kinda. When my brother takes the throne, I will try to prove I can be the next Mistress of Magic. And if I can't, well… My brother will have me married off to either another prince or a noble who is no threat to his rule.

Thankfully I have a few years until he takes the throne. The Elements forbid anything should happen to Father.

It would seem our lives are very different. But our hearts seem to be similar.

Sincerely yours,


Married off?! Stardust, what?

You mean, if you can't prove you should be the master of magic or whatever, you have to get married to someone your brother chooses?

That’s ridiculous! You should have a say in who you marry! What about love? What about your voice?

Always your friend,


I didn’t think this would be so surprising to you, Sara. It is what happens, it is better than being killed - in theory anyway.

People don't marry for love... Love is rare here. Even in families... Everyone has a role and you follow it. No questions asked. Maybe that's why I like talking to you so much.

No rules. Just us.



What a dreadful fate.

Wish I could bring you to my world, Stardust.

Then you'd have all the choices you want! With your magic, I bet we could even get ya into my college! We could go on all kinds of adventures together.

You've given me dreams again, what do you know? I know we've only been writing for a short time but your letters have become a highlight of my day.

Always your friend,


Dearest Sara,

Sorry, I took so long to write to you again.

I have terrible news. My father died in a small battle near the Kingdom's edge. I wish that was the worst of it. I couldn't prove to my brother that I was the best choice for the role of Mistress of Magic, so Brother offered me to the king whom we lost to, as a bride for his son. So I am to be married into a family that killed my father.

And to add salt to the wound, I must give up my magic. So this is my last letter.

Don't stop dreaming, Sara. Dream enough for both of us. Go on all the adventures you wish you could go on with me. I shall try to earn the prince's favour and maybe be able to write to you again, and I want to hear what you have done. Okay?

Promise me! It's the only way I can survive this.

Faithfully yours,


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