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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Flight for Freedom

Ivy and Flint landed on the floor to thunderous applause. Ivy front flipped off Flint's back, and then they stood together and bowed. Ivy led Flint over to the front-row seats. "Oh! My gosh! It's Ivy and the dragon Flint!" The fan gripped her mother's arm.

Ivy offered her a signed poster. The girl's knees buckled. Ivy moved on quickly. Flint was distracted by people giving him treats. She let it slide this time; Uncle hadn't fed them enough yesterday. So let him indulge.

After a few minutes of letting fans bask in their presence, she whistled for Flint to start their big farewell to the crowd. Flint raced toward her. The crowd took a collective breath. Just as Flint was about to run into her he leapt into the air and caught her in his claws.

They did a lap around the tent with her dangling from his claws. He tossed her in the air and caught her on his back. The crowd rose to their feet. The cheers made the tent rattle. They flew out the hatch of the tent. Ivy longed to fly away, far from the circus, but she knew better. She and Flint landed and she led him to his cage.

Uncle never let Flint mingle with the crowds other than in the tent. She’d learned long ago that they both felt better when they stayed together, so she often stayed in the cage with him. After all, her uncle made Flint seem like he couldn’t be trusted, so the circus folk didn’t want to mess with the dragon's prize. She could hear her uncle saying farewell from here and knew that meant the crowds would be stopping to stare. Sometimes her uncle would bring a few brave souls by the cage to gawk at the girl and her dragon.

"No, we can't let the beast roam free, he could go crazy and do a lot of damage." Her uncle chuckled.

The scales on Flint's back stood up and he grew as her uncle approached. "Easy there, Boy." Ivy patted his nose. "I know. I'm here!” He pressed his scaly forehead into hers. She hummed him a song she remembered her mother singing.

“See, only the girl can calm him," her uncle boasted.

“Is that why she is locked in there with him?" A woman, whom Ivy assumed was the mother of one of the kids in the group, approached her.

Her uncle put a hand on the woman's shoulder. "You know what hoarders dragons are." He waved his hand dismissively. "Wouldn’t want to know what would happen if we tried to separate them." The women didn't look convinced. "Don't worry, we take excellent care of our little star. The beast is used to the rest of us circus folk. He doesn't see us as a threat to her safety."

Ivy resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She quickly glanced at the women. "I feel quite safe in the cage, ma’am." Ivy stood so she could get a better look at her. She hoped the bruises, which couldn’t be explained by an accident in rehearsal, were hidden.

The women looked her up and down. "May I approach?"

Ivy looked at her uncle.

"You may.” Her uncle sighed.

The woman took Ivy’s hand and slipped a note into it. "You put on quite a show, dear girl. Best of luck."

Ivy locked eyes with this woman. It was as if she knew her. No sooner had the woman arrived than she left. Ivy slid the note into her pocket as she watched the woman walk away. Her uncle stood guarding her.

Once the crowds were gone, Ivy climbed out of the cage. "How come you never let anyone know I'm your niece?"

"Would you want people to think you're the star of my show because I took pity on my orphaned niece?”

"No..." she muttered. "Do you think your sister would want you to treat her only child this way?"

"What did you say, girl?" Her uncle grabbed her by the shoulders and squeezed them so tight.

"You’re hurting me, Uncle!" Ivy felt the tears prick at her eyes. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of making her cry.

"Your pathetic look won't work on me anymore." He pushed her to the ground. "You are the same age as my foolish sister was when she ran off with your father. And look where it got her - 6 feet underground in an unmarked grave. Your father, half dead, arrived at my circus on the back of his beast.” He pointed to Flint, who was pacing in his cage. “With you and that thing in a basket."

Her uncle picked her up like she weighed nothing and tossed her back in the cage. Flint flared up and roared so loud that the whole camp shook. "Flint!" Ivy quickly stood in front of him. "Please," she said weakly, falling into him. Flint relaxed and cradled her. His warmth soothed her pain.

"You will stay there till morning!" Her uncle locked the cage and left Ivy to her silent tears.

She knew the real reason no one knew she was his niece; how could he treat his own family that way? Flint nudged at her pocket. “Oh! The note!” Ivy slowly opened it.

It read, Are you happy? Safe? If not, meet me at the edge of the forest near your camp after night falls. I'll stay till the moon is high in the sky.

Run away from the circus? She looked at Flint; he always knew what she was thinking. He pressed his head into her arm. "You think we should? But we don't even know her!" she whispered.

Flint circled his head as if to say, Look around you.

"You're right... It can't be any worse than it is now. If only I hadn't made Uncle so angry. Then he might not have locked the cage."

Ivy felt defeat wash over her as she watched the rest of the cast head to bed. Her stomach growled. She sighed as the moon lit up the sky. Maybe the lady would come back.


Ivy looked around. "Lewis?" she whispered. Lewis was one of the few people her age in the show, and he had earned Flint's trust and become one of her few friends.

"Yes, I brought you some food. I bribed one of the kitchen ladies. I'm doing dishes for a week!” He sighed. "But you hadn’t had a real meal in days."

He slid the tray into the cage. She reached for it and their hands touched. They both blushed. Flint snorted.

In between bites of food, Ivy explained. "Lewis, I need to leave. Ring Master will kill Flint if he has another outburst like that!"

“I know." Lewis showed her the key. "I stole it during supper. I'm gonna sneak it back after you’re out of sight."

He unlocked the cage. Ivy and Flint carefully stepped out. "Lewis." She kissed his cheek. "I'll come back for you, I promise."

Lewis helped her onto Flint's back and kissed her hand. "See that you do. The circus won't shine as bright without you, Ivy."

Flint took off as gracefully as Ivy had ever seen. She looked back to see Lewis locking the cage. She hoped he could sneak the key back safely. She would come back for him. But tonight, she would fly for freedom.

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