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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Give it A Year

Miley could hear the whispers at her reception. Everyone placing bets on how long her marriage will last. Thomas, her now husband, places his hand on her shoulder, “I can’t wait to prove them all wrong.” he whispers into her ear causing her to giggle.

“I just wish they believed in us as much as I do.” She turns towards him and buries her face into his chest. He kisses the top of her head.

“Alright, enough of listening to this.” He picks her up and carries her out of the room. Everyone hoots and hollers, Miley blushes and hides her face in his shoulder.

Once they are in the getaway car, “Always so dramatic.” she chuckles.

“Only for you, my wallflower.” He leans over and kisses her.

Weeks after the wedding, when they are unpacked, “So now that we have the house set up - can we host a dinner party?” Thomas asks while Miley cleans the dishes.

“You really want to, don’t you?” She stops washing and gives him her full attention.

“Nothing huge, just a few other couples, some pizza and some games?” He looks at her so sweetly.

“You have to help with the setup and the clean up. You know how tiring I find those parties.” She glances around the house.

“I know babe, and I promise I will help and if you need to check out early I will back you.” He steps toward her and tilts her head to look up at him, “Always.”

She blushes, “You’re so smooth.” She covers her burning cheeks.

“Only for you.” He winks.

“I’ll even make the pizza from scratch for our friends.” She pokes his nose and returns to the dishes.

Soon the day of the party arrives. Miley makes the pizza, Thomas picks up the pop and sets out the games. “Looks amazing babe.” He chuckles and pulls her in close, “Oh! And the pizza looks great too.”

“Thomas!” She lets out a squeal then the doorbell rings. “Go get the door, smooth talker.” She shoos him away, while she pulls herself together. Soon the house is full of conversation and laughter.

“Miley you sure are an amazing cook” Harvey comments.

“Yeah! You got lucky there Tommy, cute and can cook.” Nacey, Harvey's wife teases.

“The luckiest.” Thomas catches her hand and kisses it. She blushes, excuses herself to the kitchen, and quickly cuts up that chocolate cake she made earlier. She hears snippets of the conversation happening at the table.

“I’m surprised she let you host a get-together like this. She’s such a homebody. I didn’t think we’d ever see you again after you tied the knot.” Joseph sounds like he is trying to make a joke, but the table goes silent.

“Dude. We hosted together. We did the work together. She is my wife. I chose her just like she chose me. Sure I like to go out more than she does. But I love her. Don’t belittle her.” Thomas is firm but still kind.

Miley feels like she should save him, “I made cake!” she walks in holding the freshly cut cake and acts like she heard nothing. The party resumes and fun is had by all.

Shortly after everyone leaves, “Hey why don’t you go rinse off, I’ll clean up down here.” Thomas offers, “You look like you could use a minute or two alone.”

“Thanks love.” She stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek. His words keep replaying over and over in her mind. He had defended her to their friends, she loves this man.

She steps out of the bathroom, and he isn’t in the bedroom, she walks downstairs and finds him sitting on the couch, “I thought we could watch something before bed?”

“Is this for me or you?” Miley teases as she sits down.

“Maybe both?” he pulls her in close. “I’m still feeling riled up, and a movie and a little cuddling might just be enough to help me sleep.”

“I think I can handle that.” She pulls a blanket over them. The movie has barely made it to the end of Act One before he dozes off. She pauses the movie and traces the ring on his finger, “I heard you today, you know.” She waits, but he doesn’t react. “You defended me to our friends. I appreciate that a lot. I knew you would, but it was nice to hear.”

He sleepily pulls her close, “Always.”

“Come on, sleepy head, let's climb up the stairs.” She gently pulls him from the couch.

A few months later, while Miley is getting ready to host her book club, her phone rings, “Hey love, ready for book club?” she smiles at hearing Thomas's voice.

“I think so! You’re good with coming home late?” Miley finishes moving the last of the furniture around.

“Yep! I won’t disturb the peace.” he snickers.

Miley rolls her eyes, “Thank you love.” He hangs up the phone, just as her first guest shows up.

Book club runs late, and she and the girls are giggling and having fun, “Hey ladies.” Thomas enters the house, strolls up to Miley and kisses her, “I’ll just grab a snack and hide upstairs.”

Miley blushes and nods, I’ll try not to be too long.” She watches him head to the kitchen.

Her book club shares looks and tries not to laugh. “I still can’t believe you married a man like that,” Val says between unsuccessfully hidden laughs.

“What do you mean?” Miley looks at Val.

“He’s so…” Val gestures at all of Miley, “Not like you. He’s just so out there. And you so… not.” she chuckles.

“Is that supposed to be a compliment? Or an insult? Because I love that man. He’s wonderful. He’s wonderful. He’s helped me come out of my shell.” Miley looks firmly at Val.

Harper gets them back on track and they wrap up rather quickly.

Miley gathers up the dishes and heads to the kitchen, where Thomas meets her, “You didn’t go upstairs.” She can only think to say as he takes the stack of dishes away from her.

“I was going to, then I heard my wife defending me. And it was very sweet.” He starts washing the dishes.

“Think it will ever stop?” Miley leans against the counter.

“What will?” Thomas looks over at her.

“People questioning why we got together.” She looks back at him.

“I mean maybe? People will always wonder why we picked each other, But I kinda like defending you and hearing you defend me.” He splashes the dish water on her.

She grabs his hand, “Yeah, I guess it’s not so bad.”

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