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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Gone and Should be Forgotten

Larry used to be the King’s personal mage. Until she came along. If ever there was a woman who embodied a wicked stepmother, it was the king’s new bride.

Larry grew up with the then prince and Larry’s father had served as the previous king’s mage. Larry was the natural choice for the young prince’s mage. Larry had helped the newly crowned king put on an amazing magical show to win his first bride's hand.

The Queen was the most wonderful of women. She had been king and generous. She’d given the King two beautiful daughters, who took after their mother in grace and had their father's wisdom. Any Kingdom would be lucky to have them as their queen. The castle was a place full of life. They held public courts that the whole royal family attended, and as the princesses grew they also started giving the people of the kingdom advice, too. Everyone was looking forward to the oldest princess's reign.

Then the Queen fell ill. Larry couldn’t save her. The disease was something not even magic could fix. Too quickly after the time of morning was over, the King took a new bride. Larry was sure the King - his friend - had been bewitched by a spell or potion. He’d tried to find evidence, but he’d been caught by the “queen”. She accused him of treason and tried to convince the King to have him executed. The King looked at Larry. “I doubt he meant any harm, My Love.”

Larry tried to hide his disgust.

“I don’t care what he meant!” the queen raged. “He was in my office without my approval! You know he dislikes me! I want him gone!” She walked towards Larry. “I want him out of the castle, out of the kingdom, out of your life!”

The King looked at Larry; his face felt for a moment, then hardened. The queen almost seemed to be smirking. She was casting a spell; Larry could tell, but before he could say anything…

“As the rightful heir to the throne, I remove your permission to be here.”

Larry’s oath as a mage forced him to leave. On his way out he slipped three wax seals to the oldest princess so that she would be able to send him messages if she was in desperate need of help.

He made a home in the woods as close to the kingdom as he could find. He worked on spells and incantations, trying to find evidence of the queen's intentions from out in the woods. It was proving to be impossible though. Everything he tried seemed to be blocked. “She has to be an enchantress! It’s the only way…”

He’d been working on a cloaking spell so he could sneak back into the kingdom. But none of them would last long enough. He wasn't sure if it was his magic or if it was the rule of mages, but the cloak wouldn’t work.

He was on the verge of giving up when he received a message from the oldest princess. The queen has had a son… She told me when Papa wasn’t around that she was going to make sure that my sister and I never see the throne. Papa doesn’t believe me… I know you didn’t try to commit treason.

Larry stared at the note… The “queen” threatened the princesses…and the King did not care? He adored his daughters; the King had always said he saw his former wife in them. He had vowed that her children would sit on the throne. He wouldn’t take that back, would he?

Larry had to get back there; he had to make sure this promise was kept. If the King was under a spell, he would regret not giving the throne to his oldest. Larry opened his book; there had to be a spell or something he could do. He spent the night scanning every spellbook, even ones he’d disregarded before.

Finally, he found a spell that would enable him to reveal sights unseen. It was a gamble. It might be nothing, or it could be everything. He had to find an enhanced crystal. He set out immediately to search for the crystal. The spell stated that the crystal could only be found when “Your desperation grows too great. Go to a place where rivers flow and thunder. Seek behind the river’s flow.”

Waterfall. He knew where there was one. But was he truly desperate enough? He set out anyway. The waterfall was within sight when another letter arrived. “Father has fallen ill, the queen is trying to get Father to make her queen regent until her son is of age! She’ll send my sister and me away to marry some of the most wicked of princes! Help!”

Larry stared at the message. “No!” The queen had to be poisoning the King.

He raced to the falls. “Oh, great rivers, flow.” He started the spell, but stopped. “Please show me the crystal. I must save my friend. And the vow he made to his love.”

The waterfall parted and a cave revealed itself. Larry entered the cave and saw the crystals; he picked them up. “Please be enough to save my friend.”

Another note arrived. “I saw her! She poisoned him! I don’t think she saw me. But I need you to save Papa. As the rightful heir to the throne, I grant you permission to return.”

Larry cast a spell on the crystal shard. “Show me the King!” He saw the King lying in bed, weak and frail. “Show me what can’t be seen.” The queen entered the room, darkness emanated from her, and the drink in her hand was the colour of blood. A sign - it was draining the King's life.

“I use the invitation of the rightful heir of the throne to grant me permission to teleport to where I can save the King’s life.” With a flash, he was in the King’s chambers. He heard the queen shriek. “Your Majesty.” He bowed.

“Brother, in my time of need you have come to me.” The King reached out to him.

“Husband,” the queen said sharply. “He committed treason.”

“He is the only one who can heal me.” The king looked at him. “If I can be healed.”

“You’re speaking madness. Guards!” the queen yelled, but no sooner had the guards entered the room than so had the oldest daughter.

“I granted him permission to be here! You can’t touch him!” The princess stood between Larry and stared at the queen.

“You wicked girl! You see, My Love, this is why you need to send her away.” She fell to the floor next to the King's bed.

“No! You need to leave!” Larry held up the crystal shard. “She is an enchantress and is poisoning the King.”

“How dare you!” The queen shot a black lightning bolt toward Larry. He shot it back and she stood frozen. Larry raced to the King. “Your Highness, please let me be allowed back in the Kingdom again.”

“I missed you, my friend. I want you to come home.” The King looked over to his daughter. “You will be queen. Your brother will not take your place.”

His daughter beamed. “Thank you.”

Larry spent weeks healing the King and removing the lingering dark magic caused by the queen.

“You saved my life again, old friend. Thank you for not giving up on me.” The King sat out on his balcony looking like his old self again.

“I promised to serve you until your rule ended.” Larry stood beside him.

“You proved yourself more than worthy.” The king beamed at his friend.

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