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Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Home Safely

An old warrior was sitting near the river, enjoying the peace of the day, when the Leader came to see him. “I have a mission for you.”

“Oh?” The warrior raised an eyebrow.

“I have a child who needs help getting to her family.” The Leader looked over to the woods. “She doesn’t have an easy path, and I don’t want her to travel alone. Will you accompany her?”

“I will. What do I need to know?”

The Leader gestured for him to follow and showed him a young family. “They don’t know what’s about to happen, how much their life is about to change. But they can handle it.”

The warrior looked at the couple and then at the Leader. “Will you be with them? It won’t be easy for them either.”

The Leader rested a hand on the warrior's shoulder. “You know I am always with my people.” The Leader’s smile was kind and gentle, like always.

“Of course.” When the man looked back at the couple, he saw them sitting in a hospital room, worry etched on their faces; neither one was speaking, but both were praying. It was time for him to go.

He walked through the woods until he came across a little girl looking lost and scared.

“Hello there, Little One." The warrior bent down to talk to the little girl.

"What's going on?" The little girl looked around, confused.

"I'm here to help you get home.” He offered her his hand. "Your family is waiting for you."

"My family?" She asked as they walked down the bumpy path.

The warrior smiled. "Yes, your family."

The little girl tripped. "This isn't going to be easy, is it?"

The warrior looked down. " No, it's not, but I won't leave you."

“What’s my family like?” She asked as if trying to distract herself.

“Oh, they are very wonderful. They have been praying and preparing for you!” He explained.

“I can’t wait to meet them.” The little girl glowed.

The sky grew a bit darker. "What's happening?" The little girl called out, clinging to the warrior's hand.

"Don't worry, it's just a storm." He held up his shield to block the wind as best he could. "Don't give up on me?"

She nodded and fought against the winds with the warrior's help.

The winds died in town, and they didn’t have to fight as hard to walk.

"Do you help all the kids get to their families?" the little girl asked.

The warrior beamed. “I do. Not every child's path looks the same."

"Is it scary?" She tripped gain, so he slowed his pace.

"Sometimes. It can be hard sometimes.” He looked around the woods. The storm was coming back and this time with a vengeance.

"Sir, I'm tired. Can we stop walking?" The little girl sat down on the ground.

The warrior helped her up. "No, Little One, we need to keep moving. You have to keep fighting. We'll be there soon."

They walked for a bit longer but the storm was too great and the little girl couldn’t do it anymore. The warrior picked up the little girl; she weighed almost nothing. "Don't give up on me, Little One. We'll get you home."

Soon he reached the edge of the forest. A light shone around them, and when the warrior opened his eyes he was in a hospital room. He turned and saw Little One in a glass case with tubes, wires, and needles. He smiled and looked at her. "So that's what you look like, so small. I knew we'd make it, Little One."

Soon the girl's parents arrived and stood gazing at her.

“She looks more like you than she does me,” her mom commented.

“Means she’ll get your attitude,” her dad teased.

Then her mom sighed. "She's perfect." Her eyes glowed.

"She really is." Her dad took his wife’s hand.

“Those little holes are for you to put your hands inside,” a nurse told them. Her mom carefully slipped her hand in.

“Hi Baby, it’s me. Your mom. And this…”

The husband slipped his hand in. "...Is your dad.” He smiled, with tears in his eyes.

The warrior watched the little family share a moment. Then the doctor came in. The warrior listened to the doctor talked about risks and what little one would need in order to go home. Her parents had to leave and go back to the waiting room. The warrior walked over to the little case and watched them leave. “Don’t worry, I’ll watch over her.” He looked down at Little One. "You're a fighter. Trust me, you got this."

He stayed watching over the little girl till she was ready to go home. He watched every victory, every setback, every tear cried. He felt the strength from all the ones who prayed for that little girl. He knew the Leader was with this little family.

Soon he needed to help another child. “Don’t worry Little One, I’ll check on you again.” He waved and slipped back to the woods.

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