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Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

In Your Corner

Ellie slipped through the back door. All the lights were off. Perfect! Mom and Dad must have gone to bed already. She made it to the kitchen with hardly any sound. She'd get a drink and then head to bed. No issues.

She opened the fridge and…

"You’re home late." Her mom's voice came from the dark dining room table.

"Mom!" Ellie gasped.

"Sit, I'll make tea." Her mom stood, lighting a candle as she did so.

"Oh Mom, that's fine. I'm tired and should get some sleep. Got to be up for church in the morning." Ellie faked a yawn, hoping to win some sympathy points with her mom.

"Sit," her mom said again, not leaving room for conversation.

Ellie reluctantly sat. Her eyes flickered between the dancing flame and her mom in the kitchen.

Moving around the dimly lit kitchen, her mom wasn't talking. The sound of the kettle and cabinet doors echoed in Ellie’s ears. Am I supposed to say something? Or is Mom waiting for me to start?

Her mom turned around and set two cups of tea on the table. Ellie stared at her mom, who took a long, slow sip of her drink. Ellie took short sips, waiting for her mom to speak. Her mom set her mug down and took a slow breath. Oh boy, here it comes.

"I'm only going to ask you this once." Her mom paused, wrapping both hands around her cup of tea. "Where were you really tonight?"

Ellie opened her mouth, then looked at her mom paused, and took a long sip of her tea. Setting her drink down, she answered, "Me and a few friends went to a party at one of the cool kid's houses. We said we were going to work on a project when we were really going to the party." Ellie looked down.

Her mom let out a heavy sigh. Ellie prepared for a lecture. "Was it worth it?"

Was it worth it? Ellie looked at her mom. Is this the lecture? "What do you mean?"

"Was it worth it? Lying to me and your dad? Sneaking around? Breaking the rules? Was the party worth it?" Her mom spoke slowly and her voice was short. Ellie could tell her mom was hurt and she was grateful her father was upstairs.

Ellie looked at her mom, then down at her hands. "At first? Yeah... It was fun, you know, doing something crazy like that. It made me feel cool. We were playing truth or dare, and other fun games. But then…" Ellie picked up her cup of tea and tilted it back and forth. "Then someone brought out alcohol that they stole from their parents.”

"Did you drink?" her mom cut her off.

"No. I thought about it but I didn't. I called a friend who didn't go to give me a ride home."

"So your friends are still at the party? Are they drinking?”

Ellie only nodded.

"Let's go." Her mom grabbed her keys.

"Go?" Ellie slowly stood, confused.

"Your friends - we’re getting them."

Ellie could have died of embarrassment.

But she knew her mom was right. Her friends would need a ride. By the time they got there, her friends were clearly not sober and they were getting in a car. Her mom parked and jumped into action. “Nope!" She took the keys from the driver. "In my car - let's go!”

The girls whined but got in the car. Her mom made a quick call to the police, letting them know there was a party with drinking and maybe some unsafe drivers on the road. Then she dropped her friends off, handing the keys to the dad of the would-be driver, along with an address on where to find the car in the morning.

As they drove home, her mom said, "Ellie, I'm proud of you. You left an uncomfortable position. But next time you want to try something like that, please talk to us about it. That way we can make a plan with you so that you can be safe and don't end up in those positions in the first place "

Ellie fiddled with her hands. “I didn't think you'd let me go if I told you the truth."

Her mother sighed. "Ellie, my dear girl, I will always be on your side, but I can't be if you don't tell me. I know secrets will exist, but I'd like you to try and keep them to a minimum in the future."

Ellie said nothing at first. "Thank you, Mom. I am sorry, thank you for helping my friends." She paused. "I am in trouble?"

"It's nearly one in the morning and you have to go to church in the morning…so for now that shall be punishment enough." Her mom gave her a smile. And Ellie simply laughed.

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