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Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Locked in a Room

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

“Daughter, it is high time you marry. I won't have my oldest daughter become a spinster," her father told her one day while she helped him clean.

She laughed. "But Papa, if I left, who would help you?"

"Silly girl, I can afford to hire help." He patted her head like she was a child. "It is my wish and it was your mother's wish to have you wed. You were so helpful in finding your little sisters’ husbands. Now it's your turn." He started to head toward the sitting room.

"But Papa, I really don't want or need to get married." She hurried to follow her father.

"Nonsense, child. You are just as amazing as your mother, you deserve a lovely marriage, and I found a man willing to ignore your age and take you as his wife."

“Papa! I refuse!"' She stomped her foot - rather unladylike, but she didn't care.

"Young lady, you don't get a say in the issue. You will meet this man whether you like this or not." Her father grabbed her arm and pushed her into the sitting room. As soon as she was across the threshold, the door was shut and locked behind her.

She pounded on the door. "Father, this is ridiculous! You can't lock me in here and force me to marry a man!"

A throat cleared behind her.

She winced.

"I see this is not a meeting of mutual interest?"

She turned around. "No, it's not. My father didn't ask me if I wanted this."

“Oh, well I can tell your father I retract my interest, Miss Grace." The man bowed his head to her. And headed to knock on the door.

"You know my name?” Grace looked more closely at the man she didn't know.

"Yes, I do. I know a lot about you."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Not for any ill-intent,” he explained. “It's just that you read stories to my niece at the library. She's quite taken with you."

Grace looked at the man. Who does he look like... "You’re Daphne’s uncle?" She was both shocked and impressed. "She told me you were travelling across the sea?"

"I was." The man sat down. Grace hesitantly sat across from him. "But once I got the letters about what happened to my sister and her husband…”

"It was most unfortunate. I'm sorry you couldn't get here in time to say goodbye." Grace remembered the day Daphne came to story time with the news.

“Yes, I wish I could have made it. But I was able to get here in time to arrange the funeral for them."

"It was a lovely service." Grace interrupted.

"Thank you. And thank you for sitting with Daphne during the service. It meant a lot to her."

"Her mother was my friend," she paused. "A very good friend."

"So Daphne has told me," the man smiled softly.

"So tell me, sir, why have you come today?" Grace sat up straight.

"Isn't that obvious? Also, it's Matthew."

"But why, Matthew? You don't know me; we've hardly interacted since you returned to the area."

"I will be frank with you, Miss Grace. Daphne is my ward. And she needs a mother, not a governess." Mathew leaned forward.

“Ah, and you think because I'm almost a spinster I'll marry you?" Grace stood and walked toward the window. "You know, not every woman dreams of marriage. I'm perfectly happy by myself!"

"So am I," Matthew spoke softly.

Grace kept looking out the window. "What do you mean?"

"I never wanted to marry. It's why I travelled. No one makes a big deal about a wedding when you’re never home. But now I have Daphne."

Grace turned and Matthew was standing now. "No travelling with Daphne?" Grace giggled.

"Nothing like I was doing." He chuckled. “Look Grace, I've seen you with the kids in the town. You care for them. You know their names, their favourite treats, and their favourite subject to study. You learn more about them than any other adults do."

"I suppose I do. You've only been here for a month. How do you know all this?"

"Daphne wouldn't stop talking about you. And the other night when I was tucking her in, she asked if I would marry you so you could come live with us." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"She wants me to take her mom's place?" Grace felt her heart leap to her throat.

"She wants you to fill the void. She trusts you. Feels safe with you." Matthew crossed the room to stand next to her. “Look Grace, I don't need an heir. I always planned on leaving everything I have to Daphne anyway. We don't need to fall in love, we just need to love and care for Daphne."

Grace took his hand. "We can learn to care for each other. Even if it's not love. I shall marry you."

Matthew hugged her. "Oh thank you, Grace. We must tell Daphne!”

He knocked and her father opened the door. The two men quickly started talking about details.

Grace gazed out the window, and a faint smile played on her lips. Maybe this new life would be something amazing.

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