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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Lost in Another World: Another Fateful Day…

Andrew and Penny had been married for three years now. They had built a happy life, and they were still heroes in disguise. However, today Penny sat in the doctor's office, rereading the paper over and over again. "You're sure?"

"The test doesn't lie, ma'am. Congratulations." The doctor gave her a smile and helped her fill out the paperwork.

"I'm going to have a baby." She whispered it in excited disbelief. How am I going to tell Flame?

She walked to the train station; the doctor she liked best worked in the mountain range, so Betty was going to pick her up when the train got to the farming district. As she walked, she rested a hand on her stomach. There was a life growing there. She was to be a mom. Suddenly her heart ached for her own mother. She would love to ask her questions.

As Penny sat on the train, a few tears rolled down her cheeks. Hands still resting on her stomach, she remembered her notebook was in her bag. While she rode the train, she wrote Andrew a note.

As the train pulled into the farming district, she pulled herself together; she didn’t want Betty to suspect anything.

"Hello, dear! How was your appointment?" Betty helped her up into the carriage.

"It was great, I am so glad you recommended him. He was very helpful." She smiled to herself, her hand wandering to her stomach again.

"I'm glad! Are you and Andrew still coming to supper tonight?" Betty asked as they rode into the farm.

"Um, no actually, something came up."

Betty smiled softly and said nothing more. She pulled into the stable and Pen headed to her house.

It would be a few hours yet until Andrew would be home, so she rewrote her note on nicer paper and put it and the papers from the doctor in an envelope. She set the table with a pretty tablecloth and set the envelope on the table, then started on a simple supper.

Hey Petal, I just pulled into the farm, I just have to change then we can head over to the main house for supper.

Sounds great Flame, I'm in the bedroom; there's a note for you on the table. Pen slipped into their room to change.

Andrew walked into the house. "Pen, what's with the table set up? Aren't we having dinner with Jonathan and Betty?" When she didn't answer, he picked up the note; his name was written across the front in her lovely writing. He slowly opened it.

My Dearest Andrew,

In another world, we were in love with others,

Then we were pulled into this and found love in each other's arms.

Today we are one, husband and wife.

I love you so much and am so proud of you.

Our lives couldn't feel more complete.

But maybe you wouldn't mind if we added one more person

to our little family to make it even more complete?

Andrew looked back at the envelope, saw the other papers and pulled them out... He dropped them. He turned to see Penny, his wife, the mother of his child standing there. "Pen..." He hugged her.

"You’re going to be a dad, Andrew, and an amazing one at that." Her voice broke.

"Oh Pen, I miss them too." He let his own tears fall.


Love, we don't have to go to the ball tonight. Andrew paced back and forth waiting for his wife.

Penny walked out of their bedroom in a dress that made his jaw drop. "Darling, the ball is in our honour as a thank you for all we’ve done for them. I have to go." She giggled at his expression.

Andrew looked at his wife; she was gorgeous. She glowed, her belly rounded and hands always resting on her stomach. "Well, I can't argue that logic." He offered his arm. "Though why they waited so long to host it is beyond me.”

“Well, we only told them a few months ago that it was us and they wanted to have a huge party, and these things take time to plan.”

She giggled as she took his arm; man, he still loved that sound. They walked to the wagon that was going to take them to the community centre of the farming district. As they rode, many of the women asked how Penny was doing, if they had everything ready, did they need anything. Andrew and many of the men tried to hide their laughter.

When there was a lull in the conversation, one of the little girls who had claimed a spot next to Pen tapped her on the arm. "Miss Penny?" Pen hummed. "When will your baby be able to play with the rest of us?"

The adults all laughed.

"Well little one, my baby is going to be small for a while, so it will be a long time. But you are learning to read, right?" The girl nodded proudly. "Well, you can come practice reading to my baby after they come, alright?"

The girl shrugged as if that seemed to be good enough for her. The adults pointed out how great Pen was with kids and how she would make a great mom. Andrew agreed Pen would be the best mom. They’re right, you know.

Pen looked at him and leaned her head on his shoulder. And you will be the best dad.

Andrew smiled. The other adults pretended not to notice that they were talking without talking. Soon they arrived at the community centre and everyone headed inside. They met their friends from all over the island.

People who hadn't seen Penny in a few months oohed and aahed over her look. Andrew had been taken to help fix the sound system. Love, when you're done with the music come save me!

Andrew looked up from the soundboard and saw Pen cornered by several women offering no doubt unsolicited advice. "Boys, we need to hurry this up, my wife needs saving." Henry smirked at him; he looked over to Alice who was already heading Penny’s way.

"My wife will see what she can do, but seeing as our daughter is with a sitter tonight, I can't see her getting out of here scot-free either." He smiled.

"Man, what is it about women that makes them think other women want their advice?" Andrew laughed. "We’d better move, they might both need us." The men laughed. Within minutes they were done and off to save their wives.

"Excuse us, ladies, but the tunes are going and we would like our loves to join us for a dance." The older ladies of the island found Andrew to be just charming, so he easily saved both Pen and Alice.

Thank you. Pen took his hand and they headed to the dance floor. "Do you ever wonder what our moms would say?"

"Oh they'd be awful for advice; we'd never hear the end of it." Andrew laughed.

Pen knew he was teasing, but she couldn't help it - she looked down, trying to hide her longing. She felt Andrew's hand guide hers from proper dance form to behind his neck. Then his hand came to under her chin.

"Look at me, Love."

Pen sighed and slowly looked up at him.

"I know it's hard, I miss them too. I would love to be sharing this moment with our parents. But look around you, our kid is going to have a family in another way. And we will teach them all about our families and our friends." He gave her a smile, and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I know we can't go back but some days..." She couldn't finish her thought; instead, she hit the ground crying in pain. Her hand covered her ear.

Andrew couldn’t offer her any help because his wrist started to burn; he pulled his hand close to his chest. Hoping the pain would ease, he could only assume Penny was feeling the same pain. Alice, Henry, Vikki, Jonathan and Betty came running to them.

Suddenly there was a hole in the far wall of the hall. Everyone rushed to the other side, behind Penny and Andrew. The pain they were both feelings was seemingly forgotten.

With tears running down her face, Penny took Andrew's hand. "It's Arcadia." Her voice was so soft yet so strong. Andrew almost didn't hear her.

"What do we do?" He squeezed her hand tightly.

"What do we want to do?" She looked around her. Their friends were looking at the world on the other side as if trying to understand what they were seeing.

"That's your home, isn't it?" Jonathan’s voice broke the silence.

"You two should go home, and raise your baby with your families," Betty spoke softly.

What about Trevor and Sophie? She looked at him, filled with panic. What if they have waited for us? What if we don’t recognize each other anymore? What if the others are older? Or worse, younger?

Andrew took a deep breath. She waited for him to say something, think something! We can only hope it's been at least eight years there.

What about... Pen's hand went to her stomach. What if she goes back and she loses her baby? But this chance to go back may never happen again. They couldn’t wait.

Alice knelt next to her. "You've been the best friend I could ask for, Penny, but I think you need to risk it. You have to believe your baby will be fine." Alice hugged her. "I'll miss you though."

Penny and Andrew moved in a daze to share hugs with their friends, the people whom they had grown to love.


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