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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Lost in Another World: Another New Adventure

Before Penny and Andrew knew it, they had been in Twin Crescent for four years, and in those four years, something had changed between them. It happened sometime after they opened the community centres. They never really spoke about it though; they held hands when they walked around town, their dances got more romantic, they cuddled while listening to music, they greeted each other and parted ways with kisses on the hand or cheek, and both were dreaming of what a future together would look like.

Andrew sat with Henry, each of them enjoying a cup of coffee while Alice and Penny went shopping for a gala the studio was hosting for a new exhibit called “Heroes in Our Midst.” The girls had made it a group effort and encouraged people to submit photos of everyday heroes; all the profits were going to go to the community centres. Andrew and Henry kindly opted out of this trip, choosing the coffee shop instead.

Henry leaned back and asked Andrew a question, which he had been expecting. "So level with me dude, what is the deal with you and Penny?"

"What do you mean, my man?" Andrew sipped his coffee, smiling and knowing where this was going.

"You call her Pen, Penny, and many other names. But, I've never heard you call her beautiful or sweetheart or any other traditional dating names... Come to think of it, I've never even heard you call her your girlfriend." He set his cup on the table, waiting for Andrew to answer.

"I never asked her to be. You know we both were in love before we came using those names just felt wrong. Those names belonged to Sophie. And I won't give them to Pen - she and Sophie were best friends... I never want her to feel like she's replaced her." Andrew shugged. “Also for the longest time, I think we both felt bad at the thought of moving on.”

“I guess I never really thought about what it would be like to get pulled from another world and leave everything behind…." Henry looked down like he was lost in thought.

“Penny and I didn’t get to choose that we left, but we have made the best of it. And I plan to keep making the best of it.” Andrew pulled a box out of his bag.

“Dude is that…” Henry looked at him with wide eyes.

Andrew opened it to show a simple gold ring. “Yep, I’m just waiting for the right moment to ask her.” He closed the box with a dopey grin and placed it back into his bag.

“Wow, good thing I have a ring for Alice. She’d lose it on me if Penny got a ring before she did.” Henry laughed.

Andrew joined in. “Still planning on asking her after the gala?”

“Actually, I’m gonna ask her tonight - just feels right.” Henry shrugged. “And gives me less time to be nervous.”

“Well, she is going to say yes, so you got this.” Andrew smiled at Henry. He couldn’t help but think of Trevor. It was odd to think of getting married without him at his side, and even more so to think of marrying Penny, the girl Trevor had been ready to give up family for. Before Andrew could get too lost in thought, Penny and Alice walked through the door, laughing, smiling, and holding the bags of who-knows-what. Andrew and Henry shared a smile and waved their girls over.

After getting the girls their coffee fix, all four headed to the theatre to see the play Andrew had written a few songs for. Both couples walked hand in hand, Alice and Henry walking ahead of Penny and Andrew. As they got close to the theatre, a group of thugs ran by them. Penny looked at Andrew. Flame, why is it that being a hero always interrupts date night?

We could just call the police? It wasn’t uncommon for them to practise what they preached at schools and call the police; they didn’t want Twin Crescent to be dependent on them.

However, as Penny was about to agree, the police ran past them. So much for that idea…

Andrew sighed as he looked ahead and saw that Henry had led Alice into the theatre. “Come on.” Andrew pulled Penny into an ally that had a side door leading to his office.

Both of them changed into their costumes and then slipped into the alley. They greeted the officers.

“How can we help?” Flame asked as they ran alongside the police.

“Anything to slow them down would be great!” one of the clearly worn-out officers answered.

Flame and Petal shared a look; the thugs were clearly slowing down, so Flame tossed his shield and it tripped up two of the three. Petal used some parkour moves and her lasso to catch the last one.

Flame paused and watched Petal fly through the air; watching her courage and confidence, he knew he loved her. He couldn’t deny it. He was helplessly, hopelessly, in love with her.

Soon everything was back under control. Once they checked in with the police, the two slipped into the theatre. They changed and fixed their hair, and Penny touched up her makeup.

Penny looked over at Andrew and offered him her hand.

He took her hand and kissed it. “Pen, wait.”

“Andy, we’re gonna miss the curtain call. Alice and Henry will get suspicious…” She pulled on his hand slightly.

“I know, I know, but this can’t wait.” He pulled her into a hug. “I love you Penny, and I need you to know.”

“Oh, Andrew!” She hugged him tighter. “I love you too.” She quickly kissed him. Then she giggled. “Come on, we need to go.”

He smiled and glanced at his bag. The ring could wait a bit longer.


A few weeks after the theatre incident, Penny and Andrew were on one of their favourite types of date nights - a trip to the Market. They walked around, holding hands and giggling at the different things they found. Penny paused to look at a sunhat she had been eyeing for weeks. It had a soft yellow ribbon tied around it. Andrew watched her and took in her outfit; he noticed that the yellow in the hat matched the yellow flowers in her skirt - it would be a perfect pair.

"Sir, I would like to buy my lady the hat she can't stop eyeing." He laughed.

"Andy! You don't have to!" She quickly took it off, blushing and slightly embarrassed.

"Pen, you've looked at that hat every time we've come to the Market in the past three weeks. Let me treat you." He handed the man the money. "There - can't take it back now."

She leaned over and kissed him. She’d hardly kissed him in public so this must have made her happy. The smile that the hat brought her was worth it. Hand in hand, they finished their walk around the Market and headed to their spot in the park by the pond.

Andrew and Penny sat watching the sunset over the water. Penny rested her head on his shoulder and took his hand. Andrew smiled and slowly pulled the ring box out of his pocket. He cleared his throat. “Penny, here - this is for you.” He handed her the small box.

“Another gift, Andy! My birthday isn’t for a few weeks. You spoil…” She opened the box. “Oh my….Andy?” She turned and looked at him.

“Penny, I know we’ve been through so much, and we have made an amazing life here. So, please do me the honour of marrying me?” Andrew looked at her, with a soft smile.

“Oh Andrew, absolutely!” She gave him a hug that knocked the wind out of him. “Here - put it on me!” She handed the box back to him, and he put the ring on her finger. “Oh, it’s perfect!” She kissed him.

That evening, the two sat and planned their wedding. As the sun fully set and darkness covered the park, they walked back to their shared bike. And for a moment, they let the sadness of being so far from home weigh on them.


Their wedding had taken several months to plan. They also had been asked to be a part of Alice and Henry's wedding, so they learned about the wedding traditions of Twin Crescent. They wanted to honour their past from Arcadia but also enjoy the new life they’d found in Twin Crescent. One of the harder moments for Penny had been choosing her actual wedding dress. She’d always planned on wearing her mother's dress, with Sophie modifying it; so the thought of buying a wedding dress was harder than she'd expected. But Alice and Andrew worked together to find a dress that looked like her mom’s and yet was unique. Andrew arranged for Alice, Betty, and Jennifer to help her find her dress.

Andrew and Penny arranged to have a “first look;” they took this moment to take pictures with their superhero masks on. Their bruises had faded and no longer hurt, and people no longer asked about them; but for these pictures they let their bruises be a focus, showing how far they had come.

Penny walked herself down the aisle, with Andrew, Henry, Jonathan, Alice and Betty all waiting for her. Andrew gave Penny a locket with a promise written inside, which was one of the traditions of Twin Crescent; Penny in return gave him a watch with a promise written on the back. They said the vows they had grown up hearing in Arcadia.


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