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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Lost in Another World: Finding New Patterns

Three years later...

School started up again in a few weeks. Sophie sat in Penny's small office in the local studio where she’d taken up a residency for the time being. She liked having a private space for photo shoots when she did people rather than nature. The girls were enjoying one of the last peaceful weekends they had left.

"Penny, I am going to start making my wedding dress."

"WHAT! Did I miss something?" Penny’s eyes opened so wide it looked like she just might lose them.

"What? Girl, no!" Sophie laughed. "I told Andrew last night that I want to get my degree with his last name, so he'd better get moving."

"Sophie! What if he had plans and you rushed him?" Pen shook her head.

"Hey, I've got one more year of school left, and I'd like my professional name to be my married name... So I gave him a push."

Penny couldn’t believe her friend. Andrew must be stressed.

"Oh, Sophie..." Penny sighed, and Sophie laughed at Penny's response. "Poor Andrew."

"Eh, he'll get over it." Sophie shrugged. She was a busy girl. She didn't have her whole life to wait for him. "Should I drop a hint to Trevor?" Sophie winked.

"Sophie, no! Trevor could still have more school left! I don't want to rush him into anything." Penny busied herself looking in her location booking, picking places to take Andrew and Sophie’s engagement and wedding photos.

"You want him to though, don't you?" Sophie teased.

"Well, duh! I'd rather be his wife than look for a new roommate after you and Andy get married! But he said the wedding would be a distraction... So I don't push. And he's still undecided if he’s just doing his bachelor's or getting his masters."

Sophie's phone started dinging. "Well, maybe Andrew putting a ring on my finger will help him decide. I'll come by next week to see what design you have come up with, but right now I got to run! My adviser just messaged me; she’s got an internship for me to look at." Sophie beelined for the door.

"I hope it's the one with Nadine!" Pen giggled as her friend ran out her studio door. Nadine was her favourite local designer and was in high demand for internship placements. But Nadine and Sophie had a working history so everyone was hopeful.

Pen… Andrew called to her.

Yes, Andrew? She giggled.

What do I do now!!! She could hear his panic.

You propose as you have planned? Sophie will love it. Then get married in November at the start of reading week like you'd been thinking. She kept looking at photos and already planning suggestions for the couple.

But now it doesn't feel special.

Penny could feel the weight of his sadness. Oh Andy, of course it will. You have her whole family there and yours. Heck, you even invited mine because you want to celebrate. She closed her book, giving him her full attention.

Thanks, Pen. I needed that. You're still going to film for me, right?

She could partially feel him smiling from here. Duh! Trevor can't be trusted not to break down. She laughed loud enough that the desk clerk looked over at her.


Two weeks later it was family day at the Art Gallery. It was a great way to end the summer, and Andrew had Sophie's dad save them the spot by the Unity Candle Display. Back to where it all started. She's going to say yes, right?

Stop worrying! Pen shot him a look as she set up her phone to record.

Sophie and her twins brothers had been looking at the display. "You know guys, this is where I asked Andrew on a date. Thanks to Penny and Trevor."

"Really?" The boys turned to look at her; they were 16 now and dating - about the same age as Andrew and Sophie had been when they started dating - so maybe they hoped to get some tips from this story.

Andrew listened in. "Well, Andrew basically set up Trevor and Penny in one smooth line, and after Trevor offered to take Penny on a date, I took my shot and asked Andrew on a date." Sophie turned to see him watching her.

"I love hearing you tell people that you asked me out." He smirked and kissed her cheek. "I think I want to hear you tell it for the rest of our lives." Taking Sophie's hand, he got down on one knee. "Sophie, would you do me the favour of marrying me?" He opened the small box holding a ring that had a small black pearl in the centre.

"Oh, Andrew! Yes! Yes! YES!" She pulled him to his feet and kissed him.

"Sophie! Don't you want your ring?" He laughed breathlessly.

"Oh! Yes please!"

He slipped it on her finger.

Three months later

Andrew took his bride's hand. Listening to the pastor talk, he quickly glanced at Pen. You did well Andrew. He watched her eyes then wander to Trevor.

You too, Penny, you too. He looked back to Sophie, and he took her in again. The dress she’d made had been a perfect fit. It was a simple silhouette that hugged her body like a glove. Then it was covered in lace and sparkles. She was beautiful. His heart was happy.

"You may now kiss the bride." Andrew pulled his wife in close and kissed her for all the world to see.

After the pictures were taken - with Penny giving her assistant Jeremy countless instructions - they had dinner, and then it was time for speeches. Trevor and Pen stood hand in hand, giving the best man and maid of honour speech. "Andrew and I grew up together and I met Sophie the same day I met Trevor. And I will never forget when the four of us all asked each other out." The crowd laughed. "That, however, started the four of us down the path we are on today. Sophie has helped me gain some confidence and helped me find my voice. I am grateful for her."

"Andrew helped me to see the world for what it is, rather than what I thought it was. He was my friend and gave me a chance to ask my girlfriend out. Without him, I wouldn’t have the happiness I have." The four got up and shared a hug. Everyone cheered for the group of lovers.

Five Months Later

Leo, Trevor’s driver, sat on a chair in the back of his boss’s office; he never let Trevor meet alone with his mother anymore. Leo didn’t trust that woman. He used to live in the mansion with the family but had moved out after things started to make him wonder if his boss was on the up and up. On top of that, she treated her own son as a stranger, refused to get to know her son's girlfriend, and didn’t support her son’s dream of being a teacher or a writer. Leo knew Trever’s father would have supported him, but he was barely hanging on in the hospital. So someone had to look out for the boy and it was going to be him.

"Mother, I came to ask you about Father’s other family ring. He said I could use it for Penny, but you know he can’t leave the hospital. Now that I have graduated, I want to marry Penny before I start my new job at Arcadia High."

"No." She didn't even look up at her son.

"What do you mean, ‘no’? It’s Dad’s ring! He said I could have it, you can’t keep it from me!" Trevor looked at Leo. Leo could only nod sadly.

"I allowed you to become a teacher, hoping it would knock some sense into you. I will not let you use your grandfather's ring on some useless restaurant girl," she snapped.

“‘Useless restaurant girl?’ Mother, she’s a business owner, just like you! She has a company that sells prints around the world, and has worked hard to employ others!" Trevor shouted. The driver flinched. Trevor hardly yelled at his mother; then again, Trevor was never home these days.

"Look, Trevor. We are not having this conversation. You're not using your grandfather's ring to marry that girl, and if you marry that girl I will disown you. Now get out and think about what I've said." She never looked up, just worked on the contract in front of her.

"Mother, her name is Penny, and I love her with every bone in my body." Trevor took a deep breath as if he was calming himself. Likely something Penny had helped him with. "So whether you like it or not, whether you help or not, I will marry her. So go ahead and disown me. You've never been there for me before; why would I think you would start now!" He turned and walked out.

Leo got up and followed him out. Waited till they were outside the house where he knew his mother couldn't see them. "Trevor, wait."

"I'm not going back in there to apologize. Don't make me."

Leo cringed. Trever had every right to say that; Leo did use to make Trever do exactly that.

"Trevor, I'm not even going to suggest that. Here, take this with you." Leo handed him a yellow folder. Trevor raised an eyebrow at him. "Hey, I’m not just a driver, you know. I have a friend in the courthouse who helped me start the application to change your last name from your mother's to your father's. Why she insisted you have her last name, I’ll never know. I also talked to your school and asked them to put a pause on printing your degree. And I’ve called your bank and gotten the paperwork to get your mother removed from your account. I will be contacting your father's estate about this disowning of your business. Oh, and because I work for your father first and your mother second, I need to make sure his wishes are met. So take this." Leo tossed Trevor a small box.

Trevor caught the box. He already knew what it was; he’d looked at this ring box so many times. He just stared at Leo, then hugged him tightly. "Thank you. So much."

"I should have been in your corner years ago. Also, here…" He handed him a card. "It's my address; I will be quitting once I get all your matters settled, so bring Penny over sometime. I’d love to have dinner with both of you, maybe even help her business."

All Trevor could do was nod and walk away.

Four Months Later

Trevor stood on the steps of Arcadia High at the end of his first day as a teacher. It was raining, but the sun was out so it was very picturesque. His girlfriend was walking down the sidewalk toward him with a bright yellow umbrella over her head, still too far away to have seen him. She looked beautiful. The ring in his pocket suddenly felt heavy. He had this big romantic event planned for the weekend, yet this moment felt perfect.

Jeremy stepped out the door beside Trevor; he was working as the art teacher at the school as well as being Penny’s assistant for big events. Trevor grabbed his arm. "Hey Jeremy, you have your camera on you?" he spoke softly.

"Always, why?"

Facing away from Penny, Trevor pulled out the ring and put a finger to his lips. "Would you help me out? I'll pay you for any work you do on the photos."

"Help you make her dream come true, no need to pay me. Let me set this up for you. Go, be out of sight." Jeremy shooed him away. Clearly, this wasn’t his first engagement photo shoot. Trevor watched Jeremy saunter over to meet Penny. "Hey, boss lady! Long time no see!"

"Oh, Jeremy! Hey! I forgot you worked here!"

"Yeah, only till freelancing pays the bills. Anyway, with the rain and the sunlight and your lovely outfit, I was wondering if I could take a few photos of you for my class to show contrast?"

"Oh yes, of course, Jeremy!" She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Perfect, face that way." He pointed away from where Trevor was and then gestured for Trevor to come closer.

He took a few photos of Trevor behind her. "Now turn and face the other way."

Her eyes lit up when she made eye contact with him. "Trevor, is this..."

"Penny, I have loved you for years now, you are my partner in so many ways. I love you so much and I want to share my life with you." He smiled. "Will you marry me?"

Penny dropped her umbrella and fell into his arms. "Of course, I'll marry you!"

They made eye contact, sharing the secret, knowing that Trevor was giving up the family he had left for her. And she kissed him, telling him she was his family now.

They got married on New Year's Eve. Trevor's mother didn't show and no one cared. His driver stood in as Trevor's parent. Penny wore her mother's old dress with a few modern twists, thanks to Sophie. Trevor wore an old suit of his; they kept it simple.

Penny took a quick glance at Andrew. We did it, didn't we?

Yeah Pen, we did. Andrew gave her a smile.

As the new couple kissed, their lives opened to the next phase.


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