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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Lost in Another World: New Memories

Two Years Later

Andrew walked upstairs after his set was done for the night; he'd hired a few new bands so he could have a some nights with his young family. But tonight the toddlers were with a set of grandparents; Leo and Sophie’s parents had come up for the weekend and would keep the kids for the evening. So he and Penny could have some time alone, without the toddlers running everywhere. Both his parents and Penny’s would be up in two weeks for their turn to spend their weekend with the kids. Andrew couldn’t help but laugh; you’d have no idea they had moved away from their hometown with how often some set of parents had come to visit.

"Petal? Where are you?" He found a note on the coffee table. "Hmm, maybe she had to go help with the kiddos?” He sat and opened the note.

My Dearest Andrew,

In another world, we were lovers,

We were brought back into this one and found love in others’ arms.

Today we are once again, husband and wife with a joined family.

I love you so much and am so proud of you.

Our lives couldn't feel more complete.

But how would you feel if we become a family with four under four?

To make our little family complete?

Andrew looked over at the wedding wall. Pen had found these multi-photo frames and had started filling one for each "family" so the kids would grow up seeing their parents. As he smiled at the wall, he heard the floor creak behind him. He turned to see his wife standing there, hand hovering over her stomach. "Happy?" she whispered.

"Excited and terrified." He walked over and hugged her. "Look at that - we are back where we started!" He smiled; they were 27 and expecting their baby again.

"Only this time we have three more kids!" Pen giggled. "Come on, let's celebrate."


Five Years Later

Penny stood in her studio, sorting through the postcards she had printed, waiting for her next clients who wanted her to shoot their upcoming wedding. The sound of her children’s giggles drew her out of her brainstorming. "Mommy! Mommy!" The kids wrapped around her in a group hug.

"Hey, kiddos! How was school?" She was answered by a chorus of voices telling her of the stories of the day, math homework to be done, spelling tests and letters to practice. "Okay, okay, Daddy should be awake soon, so go on up and enjoy the cookies and apple slices I left for you. And then have Dad help you with homework." Her three seven-year-olds smiled and kissed her cheeks and headed upstairs. She smiled; they looked so much like their parents. Hope and Grace were the spitting images of their mother. Hope was always drawing something, and Grace was already showing Sophie's no-nonsense attitude. River had Trevor's golden heart, always stopping to help someone or making someone smile. Her five-year-old, Simon, stopped and hugged her tightly, then the young boy raced to catch up with his siblings.

She heard shrieks and giggles from the stairs; Andrew must have woken up in time to scare them at the top of the stairs. She didn't have time to enjoy the noise of her family because her new clients were here.


Andrew laughed as his children giggled at his scare. He made a point of being up when they left for school and awake when they got home so he could spend time with them even though he worked at night. "Alright kiddos, let's pound out that homework so we can surprise Mom with supper!"

"Oh, Dad! Can I make brownies? I have half the amount of homework the twins do!" River smiled. He was definitely Trevor and Pen's child. He had a mind for numbers and baking was like second nature to him. He loved it when they went to Arcadia for the weekend because Pen's parents let him work in the big kitchen and taught him new recipes.

"If you get your homework done in 30 minutes, we should have time for both brownies and supper." Andrew ruffled the boy’s hair as River got started on his math homework. "Girls, do you need help?” Both girls shook their heads. “Once everyone is done with their math, we'll do spelling words. But I'm going to help Simon with his letters."

River flew through his homework and started his brownies. Once they were in the oven, the older three ran through spelling words and all did surprisingly well. Soon all five of them were busy making supper. Sure, the kitchen was tight but Andrew loved helping his wife.

"Daddy?" His youngest tugged on his shirt while he worked on the supper. He looked down so Simon knew he was listening, "Are we going to Arcadia this weekend?"

"Not this weekend, Kiddo. Remember Great Uncle, Granny and Gramps are coming tonight and you guys are going to the cabin. Then tomorrow all of us are going on a hike with them to the beach." This was the anniversary of the day Penny and Andrew came back from Twin Crescent - not that Leo or Sophie's parents knew that, but they were glad for the distraction.


Penny walked upstairs, worn out. That the bride had been a piece of work. Hope you are okay with frozen pizza because I can't cook tonight. That bride was extra. As she opened the apartment door, she was greeted by a group hug from her children and the smell of brownies and food. "You guys cooked dinner! How wonderful!" She kissed Andrew, with echoes of “Gross!” and giggles from her children.

"And I made brownies that we can share with Great Uncle, Granny and Gramps!" River smiled brightly.

"Oh! Wonderful, dear. I think we have some ice cream left. Should be tasty, but Mommy is starving, so let's eat!" The kids ran to the table and Andrew kissed his wife one more time.

After dinner, the grandparents arrived. Penny loved watching this set of grandparents interact with her and Andrew's son; he wasn't their grandchild but they loved him just the same.

After the brownies were enjoyed by all, Penny and Andrew were alone. Andrew went to their room and got the box. “Do you still want to go tonight?”

Penny opened the box and touched the ring and necklace, then pulled out her and Andy’s Elements. “It’s tradition.”

Putting their elements on, they transformed into Rose Thorn and Flint. After moving here, they had worked with Flicker and Shrub to travel faster so they could easily get from place to place. Now, they headed off to the small cemetery just outside Arcadia. The couple walked hand in hand to the plots where their old lovers were buried. Penny leaned against Trevor's tombstone and Andrew against Sophie’s. They scrolled through photos on their phones, telling them all about their kids. After all the updates were had, Penny looked up at the stars. "Think they'd be mad?"

"That we got married? Nah, I think they'd understand. Especially if they got to see what we went through. But you are an amazing mother to the twins, Sophie would be so proud of you." He tapped her foot with his.

"Trevor would be impressed with your dad skills, if not a little bit jealous. He would be grateful you’re raising his son."

"He'd definitely want me over any of your other guy friends."

Penny couldn't help but giggle. "You're not wrong, my love."

Andrew smiled at his wife. She reached across and took his hand.

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