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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Most Worthy

A group of adventurers had hired Liam on their quests to become heroes. Liam was mostly an errand boy. He helped them by guiding their luggage cart while they did their adventurer things. This group had a list of heroic tests they had to complete to become real heroes.

If you asked Liam, it was a bunch of hogwash. Whatever oracle, deity or idol gave them this list was just sending them to their deaths. Killing off the village's best and bravest, likely in order to come and destroy them someday. But hey, eager adventurers paid well for one less worry on their minds. So Liam made quite a business going along. He took a week or two to travel with a group, see how far they got, and head back when they inevitably failed. There was a reason he took payment at the start of the journey.

A long time ago he had stopped getting his hopes up that this group would be the ones. He knew it was a fool's errand. He told every group as much. And every group ignored his warning. But hey, a job is a job. He never made friends with the groups; he stayed out of night discussions about plans of action.

But this group? Well, they were different. They included Liam in discussions. They wanted to know all that he had learned from the other groups. Did he have tips and tricks that could help them? He did in fact. He knew this route better than anyone else.

Liam knew the masters, the tests they had, and how to pass them. He became more than just their luggage guide; he became the adventure guide. He knew what tools they needed; they became a team. Kind of. He was still just the errand boy. He was thanked by the adventurers for his aid, but when villagers celebrated their successes he was never included. He was left outside the tavern, not even a drink offered. He tried not to be offended, but it stung. This group was doing well - with their skills, yes, but also his help.

Soon they made it farther than Liam had ever been before. He still had advice to give based on what he'd learned. He no longer sat outside the battle zone; he was there in the battle, calling out actions for them to take, tossing new weapons, and handing out healing potions. He even fought off a monster or two.

Soon they were at the final monster. They entered its cave and found a small man sitting next to a large fire. "Welcome, Young Travelers. You have done well. But you are not heroes yet."

"How are we not! We have served every challenge you threw at us!” the leader yelled.

"Yeah, we've earned the title!” another party member shouted. The group looked like they were ready to kill the man.

"Wait!" Liam stood in front of them. "Hear him out."

"Fine!” the group huffed.

"Thank you, young man." The small man nodded. "You are not heroes yet; one of you must do the greatest task of all."

"Which is…?” the leader asked, annoyed.

"Sacrifice. One of you must sacrifice yourself so the team can go on to live out their dreams of being a hero."

Fighting instantly broke out in the group. Who would commit this great act? But they weren't fighting for the honour; rather, they were trying to force each other to make the sacrifice.

Liam walked to the fire. "I'll do it."

The team looked at him. "You will?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, ya'll have this dream, I've helped you get there. No one is waiting for me back home." He stepped into the fire, but he didn't burn up. He floated up, and a light shone around him. He landed back on the ground. He felt stronger, bolder and braver, and he had a new sword and a shield.

"Welcome, New Hero." The shorter man smiled.


"How can he be the hero?"

"He was just the bag boy!" the group called out.

The man raised his hand. "He helped you face your challenges, never asked for glory, and when push came to shove, he was willing to give it all up. He's a hero."

Liam looked down. “I thought this was a bunch of nonsense."

"You'd be surprised how many heroes do.” The man laughed. “Your journey has only just begun.”

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