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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

No Rest Because of The Wicked

Lightning Man stood watching the young heroes fight. They didn't need him anymore. He was in his 50s, after all. He couldn't jump from building to building anymore. He just slowed the teens down. He was hardly even a mentor to them. He had no desire to join the Legion's leadership team. He simply would retire from crime fighting and maybe even from his day job. Maybe he and his wife could finally take that vacation they'd been dreaming of.

He would simply announce to the press today that he was done. Turn in his costume and disappear into civilian life. Elizabeth would be happy about that. Though she will have wished he told her about it first. He'd simply explain it was a spur-of-the-moment decision.

Soon the fight ended and the press swarmed like always. The talents fielded quite a few questions with ease. Just as the press turned to leave, Lightning Man reached out his hand. "I have something I would like to say." All eyes focused on him; he was usually silent during these interviews. "I think it's clear to everyone here that I am no longer a necessity to this team. These young heroes have got it figured out and I will only slow them down as I get older. So today I am hanging up the costume and will no longer be fighting crime in this way."

Questions swirled. "Who will take your place?" "Will you reveal your identity to us?" "What will you do now?" And so many more.

He lifted his hands and quieted the frenzy of press. "The Legion will decide if anyone needs to take my place. You know retired heroes never share their identities. I am going to enjoy my retirement with my wife. No further questions, thank you." He and the young heroes returned to headquarters.

"You should have given us a warning! " said the head counsellor of the Legion as soon as they were inside the tower.

"You had as much warning as I did." Lightning Man shrugged. "I knew there was no point in my continuing to fight."

"What about our training?" Electra, another electric-based hero, asked.

Lighting Man looked at the Legion members and raised an eyebrow. The leader sighed. "All retired heroes are allowed to return to train, but they, like you, must keep their civilian identities a secret."

"I don't think you need more training Electra, but I'll take a trainer identity and if you need me again, the Legion will call me." He gave her a small smile.

She gave him a quick hug. "I'll miss you."

He wasn't sure what Electra's life was like outside of costume, whether she had a good life or not, but he knew that their bond, being the only two members who used electric-based powers, had always made them a bit of a duo. He might even be a father figure for her. He was never sure, but he placed a hand on her shoulder. "And I you."

He left the tower, new ID card in hand, and headed home. Elizabeth was waiting at the door when he got home. "Thanks for the warning, Richard." She smiled softly and pulled him into a hug.

"You had about as much as I did." He teased.

"I wondered if it was more of a spur-of-the-moment decision." She touched his face. "So what now?"

"I think I'll retire from work and we can travel like we always wanted." He kissed her hand.

"That would be lovely, my dear." She led him to their couch.

He placed a hand on her knee. "You gave up so much for me so that I could live my dream. It's time you get yours. Name the place you want to travel to and we will go there first."

"I get time to think about it, right?" She giggled.

"As much time as you need." They sat together, talking about all the things they would do or could do with their newfound freedom.

A few days later, while they were walking home from the local farmers market, an explosion erupted and they quickly took cover under some debris. "I've never been on this side of it," Richard whispered to Elizabeth.

"And I've never had you by my side during one of these battles." She held onto him tightly like he was going to run into battle like a fool.

He placed a hand atop hers. "I'm not going anywhere."

He watched from beneath their spot under the rubble and saw the heroes fight; they were doing so well. However, this foe was strong. He sent shock waves at the heroes, sending them back into buildings. Richard was sure the young heroes would have bruises when this fight was over. It didn't take Richard long to figure out how to take the villain down; he was using the electrical current that ran through the city to power his shock waves. A little extra power might just stun the villain.

He placed a hand on Elizabeth's back. "I have to help them."

"No! You're not in costume!" Her grip tightened.

He placed a hand on the ground. "I told you I'm not going anywhere." He closed his eyes and channelled his energy from his hand into the pavement, creating a blue line through the pavement.

"Oh!" He heard Electra call out. She dove to the ground and sent her own current through the ground. Once both currents reached the villain, he fell backwards with a loud thump. The other heroes quickly captured him. Electra looked over in his direction as if trying to see where the power came from. Richard quickly curled around Elizabeth, trying to look like a worried civilian.

Once the fight was over, Electra came and lifted the rubble off of them. "Are you two alright?" she asked, helping Elizabeth up.

"Yes, I believe we are. Thank you."

She then offered a hand to Richard.

"Yes, thank you, Miss." There was a slight static shock between them as their hands met. "Shocking," he joked.

Electra raised an eyebrow at him. "Yes, quite."

She glanced at him one more time, then left for Headquarters. Elizabeth looked at him. "You can't do that every time, you know. It will defeat the point of retirement."

"I know, but if I can help without exposing myself, I will. Besides, we both know heroes never really retire." He gave her a dazzling smile. "I will always fight for the greater good - you knew that when I married you."

She rolled her eyes. "I just didn't think it would last this long. You're still taking me on a long vacation."

"Anywhere you want, dear. You deserve it." They watched as the clean-up crew from the Legion arrived and then headed on their way.

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