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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

On the Wings of Dragons

Belle and Aurora couldn't be more different. Belle was loud and filled a room; Aurora was quiet and would happily avoid a crowded room. For sisters, they couldn’t be more opposite. Even when they were similar in a way, they were also different: both were bookworms, but they wouldn't be caught dead reading the same book. Both were skilled riders. Belle was a performance flyer; she and her dragon were graceful as they did flips and tricks. Aurora and her dragon were racers; Aurora could speed through every obstacle course with ease. They were both record-breakers.

Aurora went to Belle's shows and found them to be like watching paint dry. Belle hated race day; it was hot and long and oddly too loud for the louder sister. The girls got along well enough that their mother didn’t worry, but they were not friends. They had their moments though. 

"Hey Belle, I'm going to feed Spitfire, want me to feed Glits while I'm at it?" Aurora called from the backdoor. 

"Oh that's nice of you, but I was just getting ready to head to the pen myself.” Belle paused. “Want some company?" Belle finished lacing her shoes. 

"Oh um, ya sure." Aurora slung her bag over her shoulder. 

Belle kicked a rock down the well-worn path. "So, um…Mom was telling me, you moved up another level in racing?" 

"Oh yeah! I am! Or at least I'm running the trial." Aurora beamed, and as an older sister Belle felt proud. "You're still working on that drop trick right?

 "Yeah… or at least I was.” Belle kicked the rock hard, and it disappeared into the grass. “Last practice the safety rider had to catch me. So Coach is making us take a break." Belle looked away, her face tinged pink with embarrassment.

Aurora now felt awkward for asking. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't... But that's like the hardest trick, isn't it? Like only a handful of riders can do it?" 

Belle straightened up. "Yep. I'm gonna get it! I trust Glits to catch me. She's just not quick enough yet! But I know she will."'

 Aurora looked at her older sister, impressed. "Of course you'll get it! You and Glits are a strong pair.” 

"So are you and Spitfire." As if on cue, the dragons heard their riders and raced toward them. 

"Hello, ladies!" The girls laughed as the dragons landed next to them. 

The dragons nuzzled their owners. The girls led their dragons back to the pens. They worked on cleaning their dragons and giving them their meals. 

Soon they were on their way back to the house, when Belle looked over at Aurora. "Is your coach pulling a name to go to the hatching?" 

"Yeah, tomorrow. Yours?” Aurora picked up a weed and slowly pulled it apart. 

Belle nodded. "Think one of us will get chosen?" 

Aurora paused. "I have one more year left in the club, so I hope it's you." 

Belle smiled at her sister. "Thanks, kid. I know Mom is hoping we can go together." 

“A whole road trip just the two of us alone?" Aurora scoffed. "Sounds like a death trap." The girls couldn’t help but laugh. 


The next afternoon the girls stood with their clubs. "Alright, everyone gather around! " The racing coach called. 

"As you know, it's time for the dragon's eggs to hatch!" The performance coach smiled as there was a murmur of excitement. "It's time to see who gets to join the dragon protection squad on their trip!" 

Each coach pulled a name out of a hat. "Belle and Aurora." The sisters looked at each other from across the field - this could be a long trip. 

Later at home, their mom went on and on about how great a bonding experience it was going to be for them. But the girls were worried. They didn't enjoy travelling together at the best of times. But this was a once in a lifetime experience, and they were each riding their own dragons… maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. So the girls silently packed their bags, working off the list they'd been given. 

The day of the trip arrived and they headed off with the protection squad. After a bit of chatting with the other members, the girls ended up at the back of the pack, riding in awkward silence. 

"This is crazy," was all Belle could think to say. 

"The trip or us?" Aurora teased. 

"Both!” Belle laughed.

Aurora fiddled with the reigns of her dragon. "You mentioned that Glitz wasn't moving quick enough for that trick?" She paused. "What if I worked with you guys? I mean, I'm as speedy as you are graceful."' 

"You would do that?" Belle looked at Glitz. "Think it would help?" 

"I mean it can't hurt. Right? Maybe you can help us.'' Aurora stroked Spitfire's neck. "I'm sure a little grace wouldn't hurt as in the races." 

"Might make you more appealing to the pros," Belle teased. "Miss record-breaker!” 

"Maybe some grace will keep my penalties to a minimum." Aurora giggled. "If you nail that trick you would be a shoe in for Gliders." 

"You know, if we both make the teams, I'll forever be at race day and you'll always have to watch me perform." The girl's laughter caused a few members of the squad to look back at them. 

"Wo-would that be so bad?" Aurora looked out at her sister. 

“I mean... No. No it wouldn't. If we both make it." Belle picked at the scales of her dragon. 

"Hey, if we don't make the pros, we can always use our skills in other ways." Aurora offered gently. 

"I know, I just always wanted to be one of them." Belle sighed. Aurora flew closer and put her hand on Belle's shoulder. Belle touched Aurora’s hand, and as the tender moment came to an end the horn was blown, signalling their arrival. 

"Woah! Belle, look!" 

"I'm seeing! I'm seeing!" 

In front of them was a field of untamed dragons, tending to eggs. Whatever came next, the girls knew this moment was going to live with them forever.

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