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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Spice of Life

Pepper sits in her spot on the spice rack. Along with all the other spices Becca's mother had bought her when she moved. Well, almost all... "Babe!" Solomon the Salt Shaker called from the countertop. 

"Hey baby!" she smiles. 

“I miss you!" He calls out. 

Pepper listens to the other spices groan. "I miss you too, "she says softly. She looks at the space on the spice rack. He was supposed to be here, to be next to her. But he hadn’t been since Becca and her mom filled all the spice jars. Becca's only seemed to use salt and nothing else. Pepper can't figure out why she and the other spices didn't matter as much. Were they a problem? 

“I wish she'd put me away when she is done with me." Solomon sighs heavily.

Before Pepper can respond, Becca pulls him off the counter and back to the table for who knows how long. Pepper feels a familiar longing well up inside and maybe a tinge of jealousy too. She hates being away from him but also hates feeling useless. Salt and pepper were supposed to be together. And Becca seems determined to keep them apart. Was Pepper just not good at her job? 

Becca finishes eating and leaves Solomon on the table. Pepper's heartaches, she just wants to be with him. Weeks go by and Pepper hardly sees Solomon. 

However, one day Becca enters the kitchen more dressed up than normal and cooks more food than usual. 

All the spices watch with baited breath will she use them? She didn't but she did set the table. Becca walks over and hesitantly grabs Pepper and sets her on the table. Soloman smiles. Who was coming that Becca put her on the table? 

"Hello, my love." Solomon smiles, "You're here."

“I am! Do you know why?” Pepper enjoys being close to her love. 

Before Solomon can give her his guess, there is a knock at the door. "I bet that's the reason." 

A gentleman walks through the door, "Welcome Tony. I just pulled dinner out of the oven." 

The man hugs her, "Can't wait, my dear, I've been looking forward to seeing your lovely home." 

They take a seat at the table. Pepper notices the look on Tony's face as he looks at the food. He says nothing though and fills his plate, they eat in silence for a moment before Tony reaches for Pepper and adds it to his food. Pepper looks down at Solomon, she is useful! Solomon winks at her, beaming proudly.

"Darling?" Tony starts gently. Becca glances across the table, “Do... well… um... When we go out to eat you don't ask questions about allergies or anything. so..." He pauses as if hoping she will finish his question for him, but she doesn’t. "So why is salt the only thing on this?” He tilts his head to the kitchen, “You have a full spice rack." 

Becca puts her fork down." I... I don't know how to use them... and I hate wasting food.” 

Tony lets out a sad chuckle and shakes his head. "Next week darling, we will eat here again and I will help you learn how to use what's in your house." He takes another bite, "Because you’ve got too much potential as a chef to have bland food!” 

Tony and Becca laugh and flirt for hours. Pepper and Soloman do too. That night they were even placed back on the spice rack together. 

Over the next few weeks, the kitchen became full of life. The spices sometimes just stay on the counter but no matter how crazy the kitchen got, Pepper and Solomon would enjoy a quiet night at the table while Tony and Becca sat and talked about their day. 

"I'm glad I'm at your side where I belong." Pepper smiles at Solomon as the sun sets and the world feels complete.

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