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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

Strong Connection

Quin and Pepper had grown up on a little island together. If you'd watched the two girls growing up, you might not have guessed what close friends they would become. You see, while they were so similar, they were also so very different. They ran in different social circles; so for being in a place so small, their lives hardly overlapped at all. Expert for one place.

A weekly meeting that their parents went to with kids in tow. The meeting was where they learned about the King and the ways He called his people to serve him. Over the years, Quin and Pepper grew not just in age, but also in their love for the King and their bond with each other. Even though their worlds did not revolve around one another, they were always there for each other - a place to go for encouragement, with tears, and to celebrate big moments.

All too soon, it was Pepper's turn to leave the island, to go out into the world and figure out what she had been made for.

Quin met her at the docks. “Are you sure you have to go?”

Pepper hugged her friend tightly. “Yeah, I’m sure. It seems pretty clear.” She held up the note from the King.

Quin jokingly shoved Pepper’s shoulder. “It's not fair. I should get to go first. I'm older.”

Pepper’s smile faltered for a moment. “I wish you were going first, for the record. This is terrifying. This island is all I've ever known.”

“Hey, you’re amazing! You’re gonna do great out there - you’ll make friends and I bet you’ll hardly ever wanna come back!” Quin did her best to cheer up her oldest friend.

“Hey, I’ve got to see you, don’t I?” Pepper laughed and pulled Quin back into a hug.

“Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend, Pep. I know I am.” Quin squeezed a little tighter.

“Q! Quit being such a sap on the day I’m leaving! You’ll make me cry and if I start crying, my mom will get all emotional again, and we just got her calmed down.” Pepper chuckled, blinking back her tears.

“Hey, what else are best friends for?” Quin blinked back a few tears of her own.

The boat pulled in and Pepper tossed her bag over her shoulder. Quin stood with Pepper's family. “I’ll miss you!” Quin called as Pepper boarded the boat. “Stay in touch!

“Of course! I’ll miss you, too!” Pepper waved before disappearing into the boat. Quin watched the boat leave. She couldn’t help but feel like a small part of her had left the island with Pepper.

The girls tried to stay in touch, but Pepper was busy working and trying to figure out where she was supposed to serve. Before Quin got her own note from the King telling her it was her turn to leave, it was easier to get in a visit every few months. But with Quin also off the island, they become literal ships passing in the night.

For a spell, the only time they saw each other was during holidays, when they were expected to spend time with their families. “I feel like I never see you anymore!” Quin complained into her cup of hot cocoa during one rare holiday visit.

“I miss you too, Q.” Pepper chuckled into her peppermint tea. “I’m just grateful this worked out.”

“Me too. How are you doing, Pep?” Quin set her cup down and focused on her friend.

“Honestly? This whole “finding your purpose thing” is driving me insane…” Pepper fidgeted with the tag of her tea bag. “Like, what if we get it wrong?”

Quin reached across the table. “I’m not sure we can… The King has a plan - I mean, look at His Book. You think all those people knew what they were doing?”

“Spoken like the wanna-be scholar,” Pepper teased.

Quin stuck her tongue out and pulled her hand away. “Hey, I was just trying to help. But honestly, I think we’ll figure it out in due time.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” The two girls continued visiting and laughing until their families started calling.

After several jobs and who-knows-how-many hours of different classes, the girls both stood on the cusp of change. “I think I found it!” Pepper said on a phone call one day.

“Found what?” Quin asked, flopping on her couch.

“The place where I belong.” Pepper’s excitement could be felt through the phone.

“Really, where?” Quin almost leapt out of her seat.

“I'm going to join the Protector’s Guild!” Quin could feel Pepper’s smile through the phone.

“Oh! My! Gosh! That's amazing, Pepper!” Quin wished she could hug her friend right then.

“Did you know the Protectors do more than just fight? They also go and help people heal…?” Pepper spoke in a tone that was almost like she was lost in a daydream.

“No, I didn’t know that. It sounds like a perfect fit for you.” Quin thought about her friend. “You’ve got such a heart for people, especially those who are hurting. You’re going to do great there.”

“Aww! You’re so sweet!” Pepper sighed. “Any closer for you?”

“Actually…” Quin paused for effect.

“Q! Don’t keep me in suspense!” Pepper practically squealed.

“I applied for the Storytellers Guild… I haven’t heard from them yet… but I think I want to tell the King’s stories and maybe some of my own that will help His people.” Quin waited with bated breath. What would her friend say… Did Pepper even know that Quin liked to tell stories?

“Oh! My! Quin! That’s so perfect for you! You have always been good at telling stories! And you are so creative! This will be so perfect!” Pepper was overjoyed for her friend.

“Maybe someday we can do something together,” Quin teased.

“Oh, that would be wonderful!” Pepper and Quin sat there on the phone in silence, enjoying the peace of the moment. “I'm proud of us.” Pepper smiled.

Quin picked up a photo album her mom had sent with her when she left the island. She flipped to a photo of them from when they were little, snapped a picture of the photo and sent it to Pepper’s phone. “I think they would be.”

“Oh my, we were so little…” Pepper cooed. “Yeah, they’d probably think we are so cool and want to be just like us when they grow up.”

Quin giggled. “And spend way too many years worrying and trying to figure out how to be that cool.”

“But…” Pepper paused. “They’ll make it.”

“Yeah, and they’ll do it together.” Quin set the photo aside. “Glad to be on the journey with you, Pepper.”

“Right back at you, Quin. Can’t wait to see where we go next.” Pepper and Quin chatted a bit longer, daydreaming about what could be. They knew that whatever the King had in store for them, just like everything else on the journey, they would always be able to find time for each other - time to sit and visit, to talk on the phone, and to be a place to go for encouragement, with tears, and to celebrate big moments together.

This story gives you the chance to do some real-world good. Pepper is based on a friend of mine and she runs a program called Makwa Dodem with the Ally Global Foundation, I'm a huge believer in what she's doing over there and would love for you to go check it out.

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