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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

The Giver

In a world where everyone goes on quests, Nadia noticed that everyone has to pay when they run low on morale. They have to buy special food or a potion to get them a moral boost. That didn't sit right with Nadia. She had a rare gift; she could see how close to burnout people were. She also came from a line of healers. 

So she made a choice: she would travel around and give people the boost they needed, no questions asked. She had a few landing places, and if a rich traveller insisted on paying she wouldn't refuse. After all, having some gold on hand was useful when trading for her skill for supplies wasn’t an option. 

A hot meal was placed in front of Nadia. "Thank you for healing my boy, ma’am. I wasn't sure I could get to the next town before he ran out…” 

She reached out and touched the man’s arm. "It's okay, you don't have to worry about that now. Just be sure to buy some tonics when you're in town next. I'm not sure his problem won't return." Yes, the boy's problem was physical but his emotions seemed damaged. "You know why I am on the road; tell me, why are you?" 

The man took a few bites of his meal. "My wife passed early this year, and this was our dream - to travel. So my son and I have taken on small quests to fund our trips. We are heading home now.”

Ah, grief and anger. "I can't heal that hurt for your son, unfortunately. But here - " she pulled a small vile out of her bag. "Mix no more than three drops in your tea or coffee until the vile is empty; it should help with the heartache." 

"I couldn't take more from you, ma’am." He tried to push Nadia's hand away. 

"I insist, sir. It will help both of you. A warm meal and protection for tonight is thanks enough." She placed the vile next to him with a gentile smile. 

"I guess it's true what they say about the magic healer." His smile felt more real. 

As the stars came out, the two finished their meal and Nadia slept under the stars, like always. When morning came, she slipped away before the two woke up. 

She wasn't in need of supplies, so she could keep on the move. By mid-morning she had cut through the forest and was already on another path. She kept a sharp eye out for someone in need. 

Soon she noticed a young woman who was also travelling alone. Nadia saw immediately that her support bar was low. Nadia approached slowly. "Are you alone as well?" 

"Oh! Yes, you could say that. I was with a party but got lost. So I'm trying to find Ock’s Edge. But I fear I am even more lost." The woman chucked. 

"Well, you are in luck; I have spent my life wandering in these forests. I can take ya." Nadia extended her hand. "Nadia.” 

“Ivy." The woman shook Nadia's hand. 

The women walked a while, chatting about their separate adventures. After a while, Nadia observed, "I can’t help but notice you haven’t drunk anything since we met; are you out of water? I have some to spare if you’d like.”  

“I am out, that would be great.” Ivy offered her canteen. Nadia filled hers from her spare canteen. Ivy quickly took a drink. “Wow, I was more parched than I thought.” 

Nadia watched her support bar rise a bit. “Do you need a pick-me-up as well? I have a few snacks in my bag.” 

Ivy looked at her. “You are very willing to help… That has not been the normal on my quests; even the party I am with isn’t the most helpful.” 

Nadia pulled one of the special snacks from her bag. “I come from a family of healers who took to the road; I like to help when I can.” 

Ivy took the snack with some hesitancy. “Thank you.” She slowly ate it, her eyes widened, and her health bar filled to the top. “You’re the healer!” 

“At your service. You figured that out quicker than most.” Nadia gave a little bow.

“You saved my mom - it was seven years ago. You probably don’t even remember it.” Ivy opened a locket, showing a photo of her mom.

“I met you on the road during the plague. You two were trying to get your father’s station. She collapsed on the road… Your cries got my attention. I see your life hasn’t been any easier.” Nadia slowed and looked at Ivy closely. Ivy shook her head, and Naida brought her in for a hug. “Sometimes hugs are more healing than you know.”

“Thank you.” Ivy whispered so softly that it could barely be heard over the forest. 

“Do you have to join your party in Ock’s Edge?” Nadia led them to the side of the trail. 

“No… They’ll probably be happier if I don’t rejoin them.” Ivy picked up a leaf from the forest floor. “But I don’t have a home to go back to; I need to take quests to afford to survive.” 

Nadia smiled. “Then I have an offer for you: become my apprentice.” 

“What do you mean?” Ivy tilted her head. 

“While I do have a gift for knowing what people need, I believe it can be taught, and I’m not getting any younger…” Nadia extended a hand. “What do you say?” 

“I’ll try.” Ivy extended her hand, and a new adventure began. 

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