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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

This isn’t the Plot!

Once upon a time, Ella worked as a maid for her stepmother and step-sister who were incredibly wicked. Ella dreams of a better life. "Well no duh. Wouldn't you if you are practically a servant in your own home?" Ella looked up towards the roof.

You can hear me? The narrator had never had a character interrupt him before.

"Yes I can hear you." she rolled her eyes," Don't get me in trouble, ya hear."

Of course. Back to the story. Ella often dreamed of a better life, and little did she know her life was just about to change.

"Yeah right." Ella chucked as a letter fell through the mail slot. "Just a coincidence, Ella whipped her hands on her apron and collected the letter. "It's from the Palace!" She whispered as she ran her hand over the royal seal. She rang the bell and her stepmother came out of her office. "Here Miss, it’s from the Palace." Ella bowed.

Her stepmother snatched the letter from her. "Alexandra!"

Her spoiled brat of a sister came running. "Yes, mother?"

"We have received a letter from the Palace." Alexandra gave out a high-pitched shreek. "Hush!" The stepmother scolded. "To the ladies of this house, the prince is in want of a wife. All eligible you ladies are to attend the royal ball held in three days!"

"Mother! A ball!" Alexandra was practically vibrating.

"We must go get you a new gown." The stepmother looked at Ella with a sneer. "I hope you don't accept to be allowed to go."

"No stepmother. I don't." Ella bowed. "We are low on supplies for the week may I go to town and collect what we need?"

Her stepmother stood smugly." Good. I suppose I can allow it. Don't delay!" Her stepmother called a carriage for herself and Alexandra. While Ella hooked her horse up to the old cart and headed to town.

Ella longed to go to the ball, but alas her life was not her own - "I don't really care about the ball.” Ella rudely interrupts the narrator.

What do you mean you don't want to go to the ball? That is what your whole life has been leading to!

"My whole life? Really? Isn't that a touch dramatic?" The narrator ignored Ella’s comment. Ella made her way through the down and headed to her favourite shop.

It was run by an old friend of her father's. "Hello, Mr. Ken. How is business?"

"Oh same old, same old, Ella dear. And how are you fairing?" The man gave her a kind smile.

"As good as I can be. I've come for the usual." She handed him the list.

"It will take me a moment to collect everything if you would like Thomas is in the backroom." Mr. Ken winked.

Who is Thomas? He's not in my story! The narrator frantically searched his notes.

"He's my best friend," Ella spoke in a low tone so as to not alert the shopkeep, unaware of the blush creeping across her cheeks.

Wait blush? No! You can't like this boy! That is not the story.

Ella ignored the narrator and entered the backroom. "Tommy." she quickened her pace.

"Ellie!" He set the crate he was unloading down just in time to pick her up and spin her around. "The step monster let you out today?"

"She did, Alexandra needs a new dress for a ball to try and be the prince's bride." Ella rolled her eyes.

“Oh really? Are you going to attend?" Thomas leaned on the crate trying to play it cool.

"Ha no! Like the step monster would let me anyway." She took his hand, "But it could be the perfect opportunity."

Thomas's eyes lit up, "You think? But… what about your father's estate? You’d never get back at her for wrecking your life."

Ella squeezes his hand, "What better way to get back at her than to live my life as a happy little shopkeeper's wife?" She stands up on her tip toes and he quickly kisses her before his father can see.

"I will make the arrangements." He could hardly contain his excitement.

"You have three days." Ella hugs him tight.

"That is perfect.” Thomas started pacing, “The new store is almost ready to open and Father wants me to go run it… You can come with me! I can find you someone to stay with until we can wed! Then we will make the home above the store!”

Ella watched him pace with a love-sick grin, “That sounds amazing, it’s not like I have much to pack so I'll easily sneak it out to the stable, then the night of the ball you can come to save me.”

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “I always hoped I’d be the one to save you.”

“I always knew you would be.” She kissed his hand and stepped away just as Mr. Ken peeked his head back.

“Your load is ready Ella dear.” He gestured for her to join him again.

Ella smiled at Thomas, “See you soon. I’ll wait up by the kitchen window.” She whispered.

Ella road back home. You can’t be serious about this. He’s a shopboy! You could have a prince!

Ella laughed, “Sure. Look I’ve loved Thomas since I was ten. I will be with him. And there is nothing you can do about it.” She shrugged.

Over the next three days, the narrator tried everything to get Ella to follow the plot and every time she refused. She wouldn’t restore her mother's old dress, she wouldn’t ask her stepmother about being allowed to go instead she packed to leave.

And to make matters worse, the prince who the narrator was also dealing with also refused to follow the plot! He was excited about the ball and was using it to choose a noblewoman he’d met and fallen in love with. But the narrator had a plan!

The day of the ball approached and all three parties set their plans in motion, Ella waited by the window with bated breath for Thomas to come, no chance for the fairy grandmother to appear. The prince danced with his beloved noble.

Thomas picked up Ella and as they rode through the darkness, the narrator redirected their path, so that as the prince and his noblewomen slipped into the garden for a moment alone the runways pass by.

The narrator spooked the carriage's horses so they stopped, Ella and Thomas got out of the carriage to calm the horses and the prince made eye contact with Ella and…

“To true love!” The prince raised his glass.

“To true love!” Ella curtsied before she grabbed Thomas by the shirt and kissed him like she might not get another chance. The prince pulled his noble close and they too shared a powerful kiss of true love.

The narrator finally gives in and lets the love birds have their happy ending even if it wasn’t the story that was planned…

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