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  • Writer's pictureAnnaRose Lawrence

To Your Own Wedding

"Where is that girl!" Andrea sighed. "She was with us at the hotel, right? We never should have let her take her own vehicle!"

The other girls nodded in agreement. Each of them had tried texting and calling her, and they took turns calming her mother down. Promising she hadn’t run away. Little did they know that Rose was in a bit of a bind.

- 40 minutes earlier -

"Don't worry girls, I'll be right behind you," Rose assured them. She watched as the girls left her alone. She looked at herself in the mirror - she was getting married today! Her dress was perfect, her makeup spotless and, other than her veil, her hair was finished and flawless.

She was almost ready to leave when her phone rang. "No!" she sighed as she picked up the video call. "David, why are you calling me from the cave instead of the venue? You’re supposed to be with Nathaniel." She stared at her nerdy best friend, her techy sidekick.

"I know! I know! And I was, but Super Nova is at it again... And the city is desperate.” He pulled up videos on the screen, and Rose saw both the fire and police departments struggling.

"What did you tell Nathaniel? Does he know?" She pulled out her watch, put it back on and tapped the button; instantly her costume covered her dress, and her hair and helmet hid her face. Their communication switched to her headset and she left his video on the screen in her helmet. She quickly packed up the last few things while he talked.

"Told him I forgot the rings," David explained.

Rose shot him a look.

“I panicked, okay? I can control 80% of the tech from the phone. So as long as I keep calm we should be able to keep him in the dark unless they start live-streaming the fight…" He sighed.

“I should just text him…” Rose muttered - not to David, but thinking out loud.

“No time! I'll tell him if we need to. Super Nova on main, I'll take a cab to your hotel and get your car and other stuff. Good luck, Techno.” He hung up for now and she took a breath. Time to be a hero…

Techno jumped out the window and flew toward the main street. As Rose, she’d been struck by lightning as a tween and it gave her the ability to manipulate electricity. She had trained and become a hero. And David found out about her when she contacted him, needing a better tech. She trusted him and he had not failed her. He even helped her find a place for a hideout.

David introduced her to Nathaniel, who had found out about her ability when Techno rescued him; the fact that Rose met him where Techno dropped him off clued him in. No one else knew - Andrea might suspect it but Rose really didn't know for sure.

She landed just outside Super Nova's view. "Guro, are you at a point to give me a status update?"

“She's trying to kidnap the mayor's son again." Guro’s voice echoed in her helmet.

"You know, with how easily that boy gets taken, I swear he's in love with her." She shook her head.

"Hmm, might be worth a discussion one day. But for now…the weak point is near the bookshop. You should be able to get a shot before she knows you are there.”

Techno looked and then leapt to the spot Guro pointed out. And she took the shot. Textbook-perfect shot.

Super Nova turned sharply. "You!" …and loaded a fireball to shoot at Techno, who tucked behind the bookstore chimney. Thankfully, Super Nova's shot missed.

Techno came out from behind the chimney. "Super Nova! That's enough! You know how this ends. And I don't have time for this."

Super Nova threw her head back and laughed. "Did you really think that would work?"

Techo shrugged. “I'd hoped. But, it distracted you!" She glanced to where the mayor's son was being carried away from Supers Nova's trap. Thanks to Guro’s robot.

“How dare you! I trapped him fair and square!" Super Nova raged. Then she smirked. "Not like you to fight dirty, Techy."

"It's Techno!" She said sharply. "And I said I didn't have time for this today!"

"Oh don't worry, Techy, I won't keep you." Super Nova smirked and shot the base of the chimney out, trapping Techno under the debris. Super Nova then grabbed the mayor's son back, just after the robot had set him down near the police. "And since you don't have time today, I'll just take my prize and deal with the mayor, and the cops can deal with my demands." And she flew off with the mayor’s son in tow.

Techno couldn't follow after her, because she was trapped and her suit was damaged. She looked to the chief of police and shook her head. "Go, I need to repair my suit. Will you be alright without me?”

The chief nodded. "We'll manage. Will you be okay?"

She laughed. "Guro will help me and repair my suit. It will take a few hours, but you can call us when you need to."

The police quickly left, and Guro's robot started moving the bricks away from her. "You okay? Do I need to call the doctor before we get ya to your wedding?" Guro asked, as his robot worked.

"No, I’m not hurt; the suit used the last of its energy to protect me. So if you can get me close to the church we should be good."

Guro's robot produced handles on itself for her to hold onto, and they flew together through the city, successfully dodging the media. Guru's robot dropped Techno in the gardens near the church.

She tapped her watch and was once again the bride. Seeing that David had left her car nearby, she ran to it, hopped in, and headed to the church. She parked quickly and raced inside.

"Girl! Where were you?" Andrea hurried toward her. "Everyone is so worried about you!"

"Sorry, there was a fight and I got stuck in traffic," Rose explained.

“Only you could be late to your own wedding girl!"

All the girls laughed, then helped to straighten her veil and touch up her makeup.

"Well girl, ya ready?"

Rose smiled. "Yes, I can't wait."

Soon all her friends and family were watching her walk down the aisle to Nathaniel.

When she got to the front, he took her hands and smiled. "You're late."

She giggled and whispered, “Better late than never.”

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